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Minji can be seen lining up in the cafeteria just patiently waiting to be next to buy, students can be seen looking and whispering about her and minji clearly can hear it.

What are they whispering about? never seen a president buying her own food? this students are really.. maybe they're not from this world

minji scoffs, it was not her first time ordering her own food but it was because all of the students are freshmans.. and she doesn't even recognised them.

Minji shrugged it off and returned her attention at the line she was in.. and now she can feel someone staring at her.

"I didn't know, you also obey rules" minji frowned turning her head on the one girl next to her lining up too, and the next thing minji has noticed was her eyes.

Cat eyes?

she scoffs and grinned.

just because she has the higher position it doesn't mean that she can get everything just because she's the president, she gotta obey too and not cut in line.

Minji cleared her throat before confidently turning on the girl and answer her pretty dumb question.

"Well yes.. being a president doesn't mean i can just cut in line, i also obey rules" the cat looking girl grinned and after that she didn't reply and turned her attention at the line because it was almost her turn.

Talking first and now just leaving me with a simple grin? who the fvc does that.

Minji looked at the girl from head to toe only realising the girl was not wearing a uniform and on first day of school.

But her outfit.. really? on the first day of school just how brave is this girl.

Minji can feel her mood dropping down now that she knows someone was breaking the rules and even at first day of school.

And before the girl could get away minji reached her hand out landing on the girl's hoodie, she's not gonna waste no time persuading her to fix what she was wearing.

on top of that her skirt is too short and she's only wearing a hoodie? just who does she think she is?

The certain cat girl turned at her and slapped minji's hand.

Wtf she's so fast..

Minji stand up not too close at the girl,

"What are you wearing? and even at first day of school?" the latter raised her brow and turned her back at minji storming off.

"Hey!" minji tried running after the girl but all of a sudden she blended in the crowd completely losing the girl out of her sight.

Where the heck.. she's too fast.

Just what is with that girl not having any brain wearing a uniform on the first day of school.. i can let it slide if it wasn't the first day but how is the teachers ok with this and no one is even confronting her?

If they knew something was wrong a student would come running onto me.. but right now? no one is doing it, now that they saw someone breaking the rules? unbelievable.

Minji scoffs and headed to her table where her friends were sitting.

If i catch you again whether you're wearing a uniform or not i'll sue you.

"Woah, you took really long what happend to you?" minji sitted at the chair beside hanni and crossed her arms.

They know minji well and they also know that something bad will happen if they don't shut their mouth.

"You look really.. hmm out of the mood did something happend?" the younger talked and ofc the others knew that only minji's close friends can talk to her right now.

"Nothing i'll fix this my self" hanni shrugged her shoulders and continued eating her lunch before it could end since today is just a half day.

Before the cafeterria alarm could go on minji stand up at her sit and told her friends to wait for her outside.

Going to her locker after lunch had been her habits just checking if something would go missing or something like a letter would suddenly even popped up.

She's the president but well known because of her stunning face and being always on top of the class and even at the academy.

She wants to drop off something on her locker before going back in the office, not only that but she also forgot to get her car and apartment keys, she'll screw up if she lost all of it.

She rushed up in her locker only to find someone leaning in beside her locker, like she was waiting for minji all that time that's why she ran away

It was the same girl who's not wearing her uniform on the first day of school.

"What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be in your next class right now?"

"You're the one to talk.. my locker is beside yours but who cares"

Minji scoffs and it was the ufortunity to finally go and talk her out, doesn't she have any manners wearing this kind of outfit on the first day?

She was walking closer and closer to the girl until there was only an inch apart to them completely blocking the girl from getting away from her.

The girl tilt her head in confusion and minji chuckled out of nowhere, pretending not to know? after she slapped my hand and run away pretending to not hear anything?

Well.. that's not gonna work for me.

"Listen here.. don't even try to run away, aren't you supposed to be wearing your uniform?" minji said staring down at the girl who's wearing an hoodie and a short skirt.

"I know this isn't a big deal to anyone but for me it is" The girl was looking at minji for how many minutes it has passed and minji was itching to just punch her in the face.

"What? are you mute or something?" minji sarcastically said and the girl shaked her head finally opening her mouth expecting normal words to just come out of the latter's mouth.

"No i am not mute, i am Kang Haerin" minji was taken aback and clutch her head having an headache for even talking to her.

She can feel her veins would pop out anytime infront of this girl.

"And finally you talked i thought you were mute or something" And again having a normal conversation is impossible for them since this girl named Kang Haerin was just staring at her all the time.

Minji finally snapped and closed her eyes shut before facing the girl again.. she just can't look dumb.

"What are you staring at?" Haerin grinned and suddenly pulled minji's neck tie stopping when their face are almost on each other's

"You, i'm staring at your pretty face" haerin was smirking which made minji's mouth agaped before completely backing up.

"And now even complimenting me? You're bold, sure i am.. but i won't let you slide Kang Haerin"

"You know, Kim Minji you're overreacting" the latter said sarcastically and that was minji's final call before shoving her hand behind haerin's back making a loud sound, they're lucky that they were the only one at that room.

Haerin looked like she was shocked but brushed it off completely before looking minji on the eye.

"I didn't know someone would catch my attention this quickly, and ofc i would overreact at how you act, you're an eyesore, if in your school you can do anything you want.. then here you can't" in everything that minji had said haerin knows that minjin was probably so pissed that she can be punched in the face right now.

minji returned to where she was standing earlier and turned her back on the latter but before minji left.

"You're gonna follow the rules whether you like it or not Kang Haerin"

"Control freak" Minji ignored the girl and continue walking like nothing happend between them just a minutes ago.

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