Chapter 28

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Yoongi widened his eyes, letting out a loud scream. Before he got even run away, Seokjin grabbed his arm tightly, pulling him out from behind the closet and and pinning him down on the bed firmly.

"We promised, didn't we princess?" Seokjin giggled weirdly. "We promised that if I found you, I would chop your arms and legs off!" Seokjin exclaimed, smirking.

"No. I DIDN'T PROMISE ANYTHING!" Yoongi teared up. He was scared. Scared as fuck. He didn't wanna die just yet... He wanted to go around, looking for Jungkook. Looking for the love of his life.

"It's not nice to lie." Seokjin chuckled, pulling out the knife from his back pocket. "Hold yourself together, precious. It's gonna be a long night." Seokjin dug the sharp part of the knife into Yoongi's pale skin, blood oozing out from the wound.

Yoongi let out a loud, painful scream. It hurt. A lot. Tears rolled down Yoongi's cheeks, as he sobbed. He was dying. He really was.

Yoongi squirmed around, causing Seokjin to pull the knife away from the small cut on Yoongi's arm, glaring down at him.

"Make this easy for the both of us. Don't move." Seokjin whispered. Yoongi stared up at Seokjin's eyes. They felt, cold. Harsh.

Yoongi sobbed and screamed again, kicking Seokjin before grabbing the knife out of his hand.

"You wanna do this, huh?" Yoongi sobbed out, getting ontop of Seokjin and stabbing the knife multiple times in his chest.

"DIE! YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" Yoongi screamed out, He was practically losing his fucking mind. But he deserved this. Yoongi panted, tears rolling down his cheeks. His shaky hands were covered in blood, it was a horrifying sight for Yoongi.

The tears in his eyes caused him to finally stop stabbing Seokjin, leaning down onto Seokjin's chest, He wailed, Letting it all out. When did his life turn into all this?


REPORTER: It has currently been 1 month and 2 days since the Case of Min Yoongi. Police of South Korea, Seoul have ruled the case as Self Defense.  Min Yoongi is currently visiting a therapist, As Kim Seokjin passes away with blood loss because of 7 stabs on his chest, Kim Seokjin's Family have been facing charges for Kim Seokjin's doings. They have been fined 20,000 additional 5,000 for stalking and abuse. More information at our website. Tune in next time for the latest news in South Korea, Seoul. For more information about this case, Please visit Thank you.

"Woah. You're like. famous." Hoseok said, giggling along with Taehyung. This made Yoongi chuckle, leaning back onto his chair, shaking his head at the couple.

"This all has made me feel so.." Yoongi paused, maybe looking for the right word. "Stressed? Scared? I can't imagine what you've been going through. Me and Taehyung tried contacting you many times! Your phone was off." Hoseok sighed sadly, Looking at his bestfriend infront of him.

It had been a full 1 month ever since Yoongi escaped. He could still remember the feeling he felt when he was stabbing Seokjin. He could still feel a shiver down his spine. I mean. He's safe now, right? Kim Seokjin died. He's probably safe! He should feel happy, right..?

That wasn't the case. Yoongi can't help but think about Jungkook. Wondering where he is. How he is. How he's doing.. dating Sana.

Yoongi sighed and laid his head back on his chair, staring on the ceiling. "Yeah.. It was hard.. Well, have you tried searching for Jungkook?" Yoongi asked.

"We tried. Not a single clue found about him. He probably moved to another country by now.." Hoseok said.

"Well, It's fine, me and Hoseok are moving to Germany next week. You can continue your studies there, maybe distance yourself from all this." Taehyung said.

"You both sure? I don't..really wanna be a burden on the both of you." Yoongi said.

"Well, ofcourse not! we have a big house there. Taehyung's family owns a lot of houses! So obviously, lots of rooms. You can choose one you like!" Hoseok said.

Yoongi nodded, smiling. He couldn't thank these both enough for now much he has been doing for him.

"I'd like to put this in.." Taehyung cleared his throat. "Well, since me and Jungkook are step brothers, well, He told me he got a scholarship somewhere."


hii! sorry for being so inactive.. i'll definitely be posting more often. since this story is ending soon.. i have the perfect ending planned! plus a few special episodes. maybe. but anyways, have a good day / night!

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