Episode 7

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"What?! get married- to Kim Seokjin?? Dad, you can't do this! You already know what he has done!" Yoongi raised his voice, sentence by sentence. 

"Mind your tone, Min Yoongi!" His dad angrily said, getting up. Yoongi chuckled, scoffing. "And it will do profit to my company. Weather you like it or not," His dad added. "No! I disagree. I won't marry him! I've told you multiple times what he has done!" Yoongi said, annoyance and angriness visible in his voice. 

"Well, You haven't dated, nor married anyone yet. This is my turn to step in, this is doing profit to me, and them!" His dad stated. "You have no permission to interfere in my life, Jeongmin!" Yoongi yelled, calling his dad by his name. "Have some respect to your father, young man!" His dad shouted, angrily raising his hand towards Yoongi, but quickly stopped by his mother. "Jeong! Stop it. Calm down, He is our son!" Yoongi's mother grabbed his fathers arm.

"You guys are nothing without me. If I leave, there will be no stupid profit of yours, give me a week and I'll find someone. Better than Jin!" Yoongi shouted, storming off to his room as he slammed the door, locking it. Both of Yoongi's parents sighed, knowing this wasn't gonna be easy.


Yoongi was currently on a facetime call with Hoseok, ranting about what his parents had JUST said. "S-so- that's basically what they did.." Yoongi sniffled, pouting. "It's finee. I'll help you find someone in this one week. Do you know Kim Taehyung? My friend." Hoseok questioned. "You had a friend and never told me??" Yoongi said, in disbelieve. "I wass! I met him yesterday, and lord he's so dreamy.." Hoseok said, blushing. "Someone's got a crush.." Yoongi said teasingly.

"Oh shush! How about uh.. Jeon? I saw you both talking in the hallway." Hoseok said, wiggling his eyebrows. Yoongi rolled his eyes at that, chuckling a bit. "It's nothing like you're thinking. Someone was disturbing me so he stepped in.." Yoongi said, scratching his nape. Hoseok let out a loud sigh, "Was it Jin?" Hoseok asked, his eyebrows crashing together. "Who else? He has turned into a devil almost.. he's not the Jin I used to know." Yoongi said, shifting his position as he laid down on his stomach, his phone in front of him.

"I need to some time.. so I guess you can't come today at my house.." Yoongi sniffed, his eyes tearing up again. "See- why are you crying?? It's fine. We always meet up at school right?" Hoseok said, sighing a bit. Yoongi sniffed, nodding his head. "I.. guess." Yoongi said. "My parents are home, I'll call you later, they need my help. Bye Yoon." Hoseok smiled, "Bye Hobi." Yoongi smiled back, disconnecting from the call.

Yoongi let out a long sigh. grabbing his phone as he connected it to his charger. "God.. why me?? all the time.." Yoongi huffed loudly, plopping himself on his back, staring at his light-pink ceiling. He cracked his back as his stomach grumbled, getting up as he silently unlocked his bedroom door, sneaking down.

He walked towards the kitchen, opening one of the cabinets as he grabbed the last pack of ramen, a voice starling him.

"Miss me, honey?" The voice spoke. Yoongi sighed, turning around as he smiled sarcastically, "Hello to you too, and no. I didn't miss you." Yoongi remarked. "Ouch, Don't hurt your future husbands feelings." Jin smirked. "I have no interest in marrying YOU. I have a boyfriend." Yoongi made up a lie.

Jin chuckled, raising his eyebrow. "Who? Is it that horse, Hoseok?" Jin said. Yoongi rolled his eyes turning back around as he started making his ramen. "None of your concerns, nor you have permission to ask who I'm dating, you know, my parents say that you're very respectful, but for me, you seem.." Yoongi looked Jin up and down, laughing.

Jin clicked his tongue from anger, biting his inner cheek. "You'll regret that." Jin said, walking away. Yoongi sighed, an idea clicking in his head. "Hopefully he says yes..." Yoongi mumbled, closing the stove as he pored the ramen in a plate, grabbing chopsticks before sitting down at the dinner table, starting to eat.


Next day... (I'm lazy.)

Yoongi was on his way to school, making jokes and talking with Hoseok. "Okay, so... I was thinking, I could ask Jungkook to pretend to be my boyfriend for at least a few days, once he pretends to be my boyfriend, my parents will stop bugging me to marry Jin, and will let me do whatever I want!" Yoongi exclaimed happily. Hoseok chuckled, shaking his head. "Are you sure? what if they say you have to break up with Jungkook? what are you gonna do if they say that?" Hoseok asked, looking at Yoongi.

"Oh... You got a point.." Yoongi mumbled, looking straight ahead, his mind clouded with thoughts. "And you never know what they'll do when you don't listen to them. They might kic-" Hoseok got cut off by Yoongi. "They won't, because if they do, they won't have their profit shit." Yoongi scoffed. Hoseok chuckled, "Alright. If you say so." Hoseok mumbled.

"My class starts soon, I'll see you in the second period." Yoongi said, speeding up as he heard a faint "bye" (from hoseok). Yoongi opening his locker, grabbing his books as he shoved his backpack in his locker, slamming it shut. "What has my life become into..." Yoongi mumbled, letting out a long sigh, which felt like the millionth time today.

Yoongi quickly wiped away his tears, he didn't even know he was crying.. (I feel bad)

As Yoongi was walking towards his class, his eyes widen at the sight. 

Jungkook kissing Sana.

"What am I gonna do now?! If Jungkook is with Sana then he totally can't help me..." Yoongi mumbled, Yoongi looked away from them, running towards his class. 


"So.. Did you ask Jungkook?" Hoseok questioned, curiosity clouding his eyes, before sitting down at the lunch table. Yoongi sighed, shaking his head. "No.. I saw him and Sana in the hallway, eating each others faces off.." Yoongi gagged. "What?! now what?? you will have to marry Jin now!" Hoseok exclaimed. "I know! I know... I guess I have to marry him. I don't have any other option!" Yoongi sighed again, laying his head on the table.

"Attention everyone!!" A squeaky voice shouted. 

"Yoongi.. Isn't that Sana standing on the table?" Hoseok tapped on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi looked around, his eyes following where Hoseok was pointing.

"Me and Jungkook are together!" Sana shouted, smiling like a maniac.

"Talk about bad luck..." Hoseok whispered.


I hope you guys liked it!

Happy new year, I was busy with school work so I couldn't update :(

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