Episode 6

112 6 3


"Hi Jungkookie Oppa!" A squeaky voice spoke.


Jungkook rolled his eyes as he turned around, "What?" He said, the girl gave him a slutty look as she walked closer to him, "Meet you at my place at-" The girl got cut off by Yoongi, "He's coming to my place tonight, your fault for being late," Yoongi scoffed as he dragged Jungkook away with him, Sighing as he saw no signs of the girl. "Thanks," Jungkook spoke as he panted heavily. 

"You owe me, I missed my first class because of you," Yoongi said, as he chuckled. "Yah! Not fair, Jin was the one who stopped you! Not me," Jungkook whined as he pouted, "You can still go to class right? you can sneak in, the teacher won't notice you," Jungkook added. "Nah, the teacher is Math, the strictest teacher I know," Yoongi replied. "What's his name again? Mr. D-.. Mr. dick?" Yoongi scratches his head as he sighed. Jungkook laughed loudly, "Mr. Dinock," Jungkook replied. "That's not even a name!" Yoongi exclaimed. Jungkook chuckled, "If he is the strictest teacher, wouldn't he shout at you for skipping his class?" Jungkook asked as he raised a brow. Yoongi was going to answer Jungkook's question but he got cut off as the speaker spoke, "Mr. Min Yoongi, Please report to the Principle's office immediately after this announcement. I repeat, Mr. Min Yoongi, Please report to the Principle's office immediately," 

Yoongi groaned as he scoffed, "Ian do anythin', Let's get this shit over with," Yoongi said as he waved Jungkook a goodbye as he walked towards the Principle's office, thinking of what he had possibly done. He knocked on the door softly, before opening it as he browed down to he Principle, to show some respect.

 "Good morning, sir. You called," Yoongi said, as he stood near the table, his arms behind his back. "Ah, Yoongi. Yes, I called you. I've been complained that you've purposely hit a girl," The Principle said, as he looked at Yoongi. 

"What?! No, I disagree. I never hit a girl, never will! My parent's didn't raise e like that. Sir, you've got some misunderstanding," Yoongi explained, widening his eyes as he gulped. The Principle nodded, as he removed his glasses, exhaling. 

"I don't know who to believe," The Principle said. "Sir, You've got to believe me! Have you got any proof of me hitting a girl?" Yoongi said, a little hope in his eyes. The Principle raised a brow as he nodded again. 

"Hmm... She didn't give me any proof," He said. Yoongi exhales heavily, "Exactly! You don't have any proof of me hitting a girl. I told you, you've got some misunderstanding, or called the wrong person," Yoongi exclaimed. "You may go now, Min," The Principle said. Yoongi nodded as he opened the door, only to be met by Sana. 

"Ugh! Why didn't it work?! I'm gonna ruin your fucking life! I'm gonna show what your place is," Sana scoffed, Forgetting the Principle was hearing everything. Yoongi smirked as he opened the door wider, "Have fun," Yoongi said, walking to his next class as the bell had rang a few minutes ago. Yoongi hurriedly walked to his locker, not wanting to miss his next class. He quickly took out his books and went to his next class.

Time skip to end of the day. (I'm lazy :'))

"Yeah, alright Hoseok. I'll meet you tonight at 8?" Yoongi asked, which made Hoseok chuckle. "You've been asking that the whole day. Yes, I WILL come to your house, when do I not come?" Hoseok laughed. "Haha, true true. I have to hurry back home now, my parents told they have to talk to me about something important," Yoongi said, biding Hoseok a goodbye, before hurrying back to his house. 

"I'm home!" Yoongi shouted, entering his house as he locked the door behind him, throwing his backpack on the floor. His eyes landed on the living room, with his parents sitting on the sofa, silently waiting for Yoongi. "Woah what's with the silent treatment? ignoring each other again?" Yoongi joked, plopping himself on the sofa. 

"Yoongi," His dad spoke, with full seriousness in his voice. This made Yoongi slightly nervous, Getting up as he sat down properly, looking up at his dad. "Yeah dad?" Yoongi asked, curiously. 

Yoongi's parents both sighed, breathing in and out. "So....? Gonna tell me anything?" Yoongi asked. 

"You will get married to Kim Seokjin, after a week," His dad spoke, clearing his throat.

Yoongi's world stopped, those hit hard like a truck.


hope u enjoyed :D

sorry for the late update.

words: 770

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