22. "Broken And Repaired"

Start from the beginning

"Will you be back soon?" Minji asked, pouting when Yoohyeon gave her a shrugging gesture in a cute way. The girl cuped the older's cheeks, giggling at the way how Minji was impatiently waiting for a proper answer. "Maybe less than an hour or so. I'll make sure to be back as soon as possible." Yoohyeon said, leaning in for a quick peck on the older's lips. Though, the second she tried to move herself away, Minji's hand on her head was pulling her closer and not letting her get away.

"Someone's a little desperate for me, huh?" Yoohyeon said when she was an inch away from the Icebreaker, earning a soft whine from her. "I'll miss you." Minji whispered, placing many kisses on Yoohyeon's lips to feel them as much as possible. "I'll miss you too. See you later prin-"


"Good morning gir- Oh, did we pick a bad timing?"

Bora awkwardly stood infront of the bedroom's door along with Minjoon, apologizing with her eyes because both girls were completely startled while having a moment. Minjoon put his arm around Bora's shoulders, walking inside towards Minji and smiling at her.

"Hey sis, does your wound hurt a lot?" The man worriedly asked, smiling in relief when Minji shook her head. "It doesn't hurt a lot, but it's still a little painful whenever I try to move. But overall, it's not as bad as last night." She answered, gently patting her stomach.

"How about you Yooh? Did you get any sleep last night?" Minjoon then asked the younger, chuckling when Yoohyeon faced him while scratching her neck in awkwardness. That was enough of an answer for him. "Well.. Someone had to watch over Minji, so I couldn't get much sleep.." She answered, surprised when Minji lightly hit her back with her hand.

"You didn't sleep at all!?" Minji gasped in shock, scoffing when Yoohyeon didn't take it as something too serious. If it was about other people's well being, Yoohyeon could care less about her own self, especially if those other people were close to her. "It's not that big of deal Minji, don't worry. I can sleep when I come back." Yoohyeon said and caressed the Icebreaker's hand, earning a questioning hum from the smaller woman that was beside Minjoon.

"You're going somewhere?" Bora asked, instantly noticing the smile forming on Yoohyeon's face.

"Yup! I'll help with the Christmas decorations and preparations." Yoohyeon happily answered, making Bora chuckle. "You've always been excited whenever Christmas was near, so I'm not even surprised. Make it look very pretty, okay?" Bora added, getting nudged on the side by an impatient Minjoon. The outcast looked at him in confusion, clapping loudly when she understood what he meant by his gesture.

"Wait! Before you leave, me and Minjoon have something to tell you two." Bora excitedly said, looking at the two totally unbothered girls. "Be quick please~" Yoohyeon teasingly rolled her eyes, walking to the table to drink some bottled water before leaving. Bora glanced at Minjoon, smiling at him and then back at the two.

"Me and Minjoon are dating."

"HUH!?" Yoohyeon accidentally spilled her water out, completely shocked by the news. "Are you guys actually serious?" Minji sat up in an instant, forgetting about the pain in her stomach because of the unexpected information. "You two are actually together now? Seriously? No jokes or pranks, like actually together as a couple?" Yoohyeon walked closer to the new couple, widening her eyes in elation when they nodded enthusiastically.

The girl gasped, jumping in happiness and hugging both while squealing like a child that got an early Christmas gift. Minji just stared at them in shock, soon smiling widely in joy. She was happy that her brother found someone special for himself, especially an amazing woman like Bora. It was about time.

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