Bob Marley, The Beast, and Johnny

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            I face the wolf and a crazy thing happens. Right before my eyes it changes into Blade. Oh my goodness so he wasn't lying when he said he was a werewolf. He quickly takes his shorts that he was carrying in his mouth and puts them on.

"Belle." He says with a frown and an angry face. "I have tried to be kind to you but your little stunts are really wearing my patience thin." I swallow nervously I don't know what to say to him. He scares me so much. I know that he is not a force to be reckoned with. "Follow me." When I don't move he lets out a growl that cannot be human and step towards me. "I don't like to repeat myself." I hold my hands up in surrender and step towards him. He turns swiftly on his heel and walks away. I follow him through the woods. The walk is silent except for the sound of our steps on the earth. I look up to the sky and I see nothing but trees. I think that for the first time in my life, I have no clue what to do I am scared to death but yet I feel safe. I want to escape and yet I don't want to leave his side. I stare at his uncovered back. There are scars everywhere on it. I open my mouth to ask him where they come from but I think that it would best that I don't disturb the cranky dude in front of me. We are soon in front of the house. He opens the door for me and I mumble a half-hearted thanks and he shuts the door after us. I hear the lock click and I feel it in my heart. I'm going to be prisoner in this place for a very long time.

"I'm eating breakfast. You can eat if you want but either way you're gonna stay in the same room as I am in for a while now." I fight the urge to roll my eyes and I shove on a fake sweet smile.

"Why of course dear, how could I even imagine leaving your side dear?" His eyes close as though he is counting to ten. He turns around and leads me to the kitchen.

"Make me breakfast." He commands. My, my, my, what a needy man I have here. I clench my fists and I throw the smile back on. That's right Belle, kill him with kindness.

"What would you like sweetheart?" I say and smile at how he cringes. I think I may be starting to like this method. But then he smirked. It was an evil smirk I tell you. The one that you want to hide from. This man needs Jesus.

"Three chocolate chip pancakes with butter and whipped cream, four strips of bacon, three sausage links, three scrambled eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice and a pomegranate with all of the seeds in a bowl." What the heck? Is this man eating for half of the country?! I gulp down some not so nice words and smile at him sweetly again.

"Oh, of course bunny rabbit!" I chuckle at the face he makes when I call him that. I find my way to the pans, spatula's, and all of the pancake ingredients. I whip up the batter and it lets out a sizzle when it hits the pan. I take out another pan and some eggs I put the eggs on the pan and it sizzles also. I am in my own little zone when I am cooking. I reluctantly find the heavy whipping cream and put it in a bowl and turn the mixer on high while it whips it to perfection. I flip the pancakes and scramble the eggs. I then take out another pan and put the sausage links in there. I finish making the rest of the pancakes and put the bacon in the microwave. I add sugar to the whipped cream and smile at how beautiful it looks. I squeeze out the orange juice and put it in a container and separate the pomegranate seeds. I put everything on two plates, a bowl, and a cup and I make myself a plate. I smile in satisfaction and put Blade's stuff in front of him. His eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Wow. I honestly didn't think you were actually a good cook." I shrug it off. I pray before I start to eat and then I dig in. I jump a little when I hear a groan next to me. I look and see Blade in pure food ecstasy. I lean away from him, slightly creeped out.

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