The Story Of Our Life | S.S.

Start from the beginning

"So he takes it out on you?" You finished.

Sadie just looked at you before slightly shaking her head. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this. It's just... I know that I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever. I guess I'm angry, too, and... I'm sorry." Sadie pretended to wipe away tears. "Jesus! What's wrong with me?"

"Hey." You stepped closer to her. "You're nothing like your brother, okay? You're cool and different. And you're super smart. And you're, like, totally tubular."

Sadie laughed. "Nobody actually says that, you know."

You smiled. "Well, I do now."

Sadie nodded. "And it makes you seem really cool."

You stared at her for a second. "I like talking with you, Mad Max."

Sadie smiled. "I like talking with you, stalker."

"Cut!" Nick shouted and you and Sadie looked at him as he and Charlotte walked over to you both. "That was great. I can feel the chemistry between you two."

Sadie smiled. "Well, it's hard to fake chemistry when you have it already."

"You think we have chemistry?" You looked up at Sadie and smiled.

"Why else do you think I got the role?" Sadie smiled.

"Cause you're a great actress." You put your hands on her shoulders and kissed her.

"Ugh." Charlotte cringed before walking away.


The next day, you were talking with Nick and Charlotte when Sadie walked up to you. She had the script in her hand and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"What's wrong, baby?" You asked her.

"I was reading the script for the next scene and then I got to the part where you said that you didn't think I would be a good love interest." Sadie told you.

"What?" You took the script out her hand and looked at it.

"It says you talked to the Duffers about having our characters just be friends because you didn't want me to be your love interest." Sadie softly said. "Did that actually happen."

"Uh... no..." You lied and looked at Charlotte since she wrote the script. "I think Charlotte just wanted to add in some drama."

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "No, everything in that scene really happened."

"Why didn't you want me to be your love interest?" Sadie asked you.

"Uh... because- because- It wasn't anything you did. I just didn't think that my character having doubts about her sexuality was a good addition to the show. Also when we did our first scene together, your character was really not that interesting..." You trailed off.

"Not that interesting?!" Sadie exclaimed. "I can't believe this."

"Oh, come on." You rolled your eyes. "It was years ago. I was also trying to figure out my sexuality at the time so of course I had doubts about you being my love interest."

"You always told how much you love my character and you said that you wouldn't want anybody else to be your love interest." Sadie reminded you. "But, now I know that was all just a lie." Sadie picked her script back up and walked away.


It was a few hours later and you and Sadie were about to film another scene. She was still upset with you and refused to talk to you.

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