ᗷᑌᑎᑎY: ᖴᒪᑌᖴᖴ

87 0 2

Title~ Stolen Kisses
ᴅɪsᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ

It was the end of the school day. Everyone was tired and more than ready to go home. Kenny and Butters were walking to their buses together. They've actually been spending a lot of time together. So much in fact that Butters developed a little crush on his friend Kenny.

Butters smiled at Kenny as he talked about this show that he loved a lot. Butters enjoyed hearing things that Kenny enjoyed. He loved seeing how excited he got when he talked about them. Butters wanted to know everything he liked and to be apart of it. Kenny was happy to have someone listen to him and actually find interest in him. His friends were interested sure, but Butters was a different kind of person than they were. Kenny found it nice to have a break from all their reckless adventures. He grew to like Butters presence more and more.

Kenny eventually stopped talking once they were at the buses. Kenny and Butters didn't ride the same bus home. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." Kenny said as he smiled down at Butters. Butters smiled back at him. He couldn't help but feel the urge to kiss him. He bit his bottom lip in an attempt to press that urge, but it was stronger than him. And without another thought, Butters kissed Kenny on his lips.

Kenny stared at him surprised as he brought his hand up to his lips. Kenny wasn't the only one, Butters too was a little surprised at what he just did. He didn't expect himself to ever be able to do something like that. The light blond's face flushed a dark red. Kenny opened his mouth to say something but before he had a chance to utter a word Butters quickly beat him to it. "Yep! See you tomorrow Kenny!" Butters exclaimed before quickly running away.

"Hey! Wait!" He heard Kenny call from behind him but he didn't stop to hear what he had to say. He was far to embarrassed to listen to this conversation any longer.

Kenny stood there utterly confused, the feeling of his lips lingered. Almost as if the feeling was tattooed onto him. He wasn't complaining. "What the hell was that?" He heard someone question. Kenny turned around to face said person. It was Kyle and Stan. They stood there waiting for Kenny to say something but he was frozen. He had no idea what just happened or if that was even real. Kenny couldn't utter a word, but even if he could he still wouldn't know what to say.


Butters was freaking out once he got home. He was so scared that he just ruined everything between him and Kenny. The blond heard his phone "ding" and he jumped at the sound. He quickly grabbed his phone to check the notification, only to see the horrific sight that Kenny had messaged him. "Oh hamburgers!" Butters said out loud as he placed his phone on the counter, never to be touched for the rest of the day.

"What do I do!?" He questioned seemingly no one until his mother answered. "About what?" She questioned, the sound of her voice was enough to startle him. "Oh! You startled me..." he said, a little relieved. She took a step closer to him. "Butters, Honey. Why are you so jumpy?" She asked in a soft voice. "It's nothing mom." He tried to shrug it off but his face showed anything but nothing. And his mom knew it. She eyed him suspiciously. "Butters, tell the truth."

"I am mom!" He said, trying to sound convincing. Linda stared at him for a moment before deciding she didn't really want to fight with him over this. "Alright Butters. Come join me in the living room! Our favorite show is on!" She said excitedly before walking to the living room. Butters followed his mother to the living room and sat next to her on the couch. On the TV there were to people who were arguing with each other. Butters recognized both these characters.

"I'll fill you in on everything that's happening later Butters." His mother said as she watched the TV intently. The people on screen argued for another minute before one of them quickly kissed the other. Butters looked at the TV with surprise before looking over to his mother. She had both her hands on her face and her eyes were closed, a small smile adorned her lips. "Oh how I love the stolen kiss trope." She said.

She opened her eyes to see Butters confused expression. She then processed what she just said. "Oh! But don't go around kissing people Butters! Consent if very important." She said as she waved a finger at him. Butters eyes widened as he looked back at the TV. He had just come to the realization that he didn't ask Kenny for his consent to kiss him! Kenny definitely hates him!


The next day at school, Kenny waited for Butters to arrive. Kenny had been trying to contact him yesterday but Butters wouldn't answer any of his calls or texts. Butters never left Kenny's mind yesterday. That kiss filled Kenny's head like a plague. He could hardly sleep last night because of thoughts like: "why did he kiss me?" "Does he like me?" "Why did he run away?" "Did he not like the kiss?" "Why isn't he answering me?". And so much more...

Kenny was finally put at ease once he saw a familiar light blond boy. Kenny walked over to him and pinned him against the lockers, he didn't want to risk Butters running away again. Butters stared up at Kenny with a nervous expression. "Uh.. O-oh.... Hi Ken." He gave a small greeting. Kenny scoffed, "don't 'hi Ken' me." Kenny said back as he stared down at him. Kenny didn't mean to seem intimidating but Butters was intimidated. Kenny opened his mouth to speak but Butters beat him to it.

"I'm sorry for kissing you yesterday! I didn't ask for your consent!" He quickly said before continuing on. "That was very wrong of me to do! I shouldn't have done it and I know that now!" Kenny thought he was done and attempted to say something but Butters just kept on going.

"Now that I know it was wrong I can assure you it won't happen again!"


"I understand if things are awkward between us!"

"Butters I-"

"I can understand if you don't want to be friends anymore! I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who just randomly kissed me either!!"

"Oh my god... Butters!"

No matter what Kenny said or attempted to say, Butters always interrupted him. Each time Butters spoke his voice grew higher pitched and his words came out faster showing his nervousness. Kenny rolled his eyes, fed up with getting talked over. Kenny leaned down to the lighter blond and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Butters stood surprised as he felt the feeling, but it was a feeling he wouldn't forget easily.

When Kenny pulled away Butters mind went blank. He had completely forgotten what he was going to say to him. "My turn?" Kenny asked him with a head tilt. Butters did not reply, all he did was give a simple head nod. Kenny smiled at him before opening his mouth to speak. "I liked the kiss." He was finally able to say. Butters widened his eyes with surprise. "You did?" Butters questioned. Kenny nodded his head. "And if you're willing, I'd love to take you on a date."

Butters smiled at his proposal. "I think that would be nice."

A/N:~ I feel like I haven't written a Bunny one in a long time. And I love Bunny 😭 so here's Bunny for all the Bunny fans. I wrote three chapters in one day! Omfg. Consider this my apology for being gone for so long. I got a job so I'm trying to keep up with it. Lol

Also for the Bunny fans. I'm currently writing a Kenjorine chapter so look out for that! That is if you like Kenjorine too lol.

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