𝘚TYᒪᗴ: ᖴᒪᑌᖴᖴ

293 7 8

Title~ Rainbow Stars
ᴅɪsᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ

It was Friday and Kyle was getting ready to head over to Stans house for the Weekend. Stan and Wendy broke up so Kyle figured that Stan might want some emotional support.

Kyle threw a couple more things into his bag before heading downstairs. "Okay. I'm leaving now." Kyle informed his family. "Okay Bubbie. If you're going to stay over the whole weekend then be back on Sunday before 9:00" Kyle's mom informed him. Kyle gave his mom a small nod showing that he understood before leaving out the door. Kyle readjusted his bag so it would feel more comfortable before walking to Stans house.

Kyle felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket and took it out to look at the notification. It was a message from Stan. He unlocked the phone and clicked on the message, it said "are you almost here?" Kyle rolled his eyes as a small smile formed on his lips.

"So impatient."


Once Kyle had finally made it to Stan's house, it didn't take long for Stan to answer the door. "Kyle!" He exclaimed happily as they did a little handshake. "Hey dude!" Kyle greeted back. Stan held the door open for Kyle as he entered the house. Stan seemed a little happier than Kyle had expected him to be, you know considering how he had just been broken up with.

"So, how are you feeling?" Kyle asked him. "I actually don't feel that bad surprisingly." Stan responded. Kyle tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Oh..... well that's good Stan." He replied. Kyle kinda expected Stan to be a little more sad. But happy nonetheless that Stan wasn't totally bummed. He hoped he wasn't trying cover up his feelings or something. But he seemed like he was telling the truth. "Let's go to my room." Stan said as he began his walk to his room, Kyle followed him.

Kyle set his bag in the corner of the room. "Okay. So what should we do first?" Kyle asked. Stan thought about it for a moment. "Well we could play Mortal Kombat?" Stan suggested. Kyle smiled at him. "Hey yeah! That's a good idea!" Kyle agreed. Stan smiled back at him as he started up the game. Once it was set up, Stan handed Kyle a controller. They sat down next to each other on the floor as they picked out a character to play with.

"So. I don't mean to keep bringing this up but, is there any feelings you want to talk about?" Kyle asked as he looked through all the characters. Stan sat up straight, almost as if he was alarmed by what he said. Stan snapped his head over to Kyle, such action startled the ginger boy. "Feelings!? What feelings!? Have you been talking to Kenny!?" Stan frantically asked as a bright red blush steamed his face.

Kyle stared at the boy with confusion. "Uhhh. Your feelings about Wendy? I thought you might want to talk about it." Kyle said as he turned to look back at the TV. "And I haven't talked to Kenny. He keeps ignoring me. He's such an asshole." Kyle gave a slight vent.

Stan let out a relieved sigh. "Oh yeah Wendy.... I don't know. I don't really want to talk about her." Stan replied. Kyle gave a slight nod showing that he understood. "Anyways. What's up with you and Kenny?" Stan asked. Kyle shrugged as he eventually chose a character and waited for Stan to pick his. "I don't really know. When he sees me he just walks away. I don't remember doing anything to upset him? Did he talk to you?" Kyle questioned as he looked at his best friend.

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