Chapter: 15; Saewan's tricks back

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So this is that whale!?

Author's POV

Rayan scooted toward the bench and sat beside Eisha.

"Excuse me? Could you please get another bench? Please!" said Waylen as the laughing Eisha who was finding tissue on her bag turned other side and gasped.

"Oh yeah! Waylen It's Rayan. He is with me! Actually we came together here to have ice creams." She explained.

"Oh sorry, man! Hi I'm Waylen. Nice to meet you!"

"Hi!" he said handing over the ice cream to Eisha.

"Thanks for taking care of my girlfriend!" he said as he side hugged Eisha.

Your girlfriend? You a-guy-of-two-days! We are with her from so long and we are taking care of her. We are not favouring you! What the heck did he just said???

Rayan in his thoughts starred at the arms around Eisha's back.

"Oh Waylen, you want Ice-cream? Have this one, let me bring another one for me." Eisha said to change the atmosphere.

"Why? We can share this one?" Waylen said as he pointed at the one on her hand making Eisha feel unusual.


Waylen immediately licked on that scoop on cone making Rayan disgusted as well as Eisha annoyed. Eisha knows and loves sharing is caring but in this way. And sharing one Ice-cream with Waylen is only making her tense about the thought that the quantity will be less if she share like this.

Meanwhile Rayan can sense a call of battle by Waylen. But he again ignores it. He feels ita just his overthinking so he shrugged it off.

"No its fine! You have this one whole. Let me get another one for myself!" Eisha stood up handing Waylen the cone.

"So you are her friend?" Waylen asked making Rayan frown.

Why is he asking again? Didn't she mentioned already?

"No, we are family!" Rayan said emphasizing the word 'family'.

Get this on your head dude!! We are FAMILY!!

"Oh I see. Got it! So you are her brother?"

Skgskshsksjjskjsjs!! This emef!!! If here weren't any human or kids here, I would have hold your both legs, swung you whole out on the air and bash you multiple times on the ground!!!

"No! We are family. Not blood related but the one we are someone who are so close with her." Rayan said Emphasizing the 'close with her'.


"So what made you like that stupid?" Rayan asked sounding how close like two of buddies they are.

"You are stupid!" Eisha came with an Ice-cream while giggling.

See we are this close to call each other dumb, stupid, insult each other?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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