Chapter: 6; Let's balance both

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Author's POV

"Sorry for disturbing in your free time I guess?!" Erina said in a hesitant way.

"No! that's fine speak it out what's on your mind?!" She said making Erina comfortable.

"Actually I saw you designing a girl and her dress so I was curious to know what were you doing!!"

"Oh actually its my assignment!" She said smiling to Erina.

"Assignment???" Erina asked frowning.

"Yeah from my university's fashion designing faculties......oh I'm fashion designing majored." She said continuing with her adorable sweet smile.

But her words made Erina astonished and she got more curious about her.

"You have majored in fashion?!" She nodded. "It might be personal question but didn't it cause issues in your family and others?!"

Hearing Erina that girl chuckled understanding her, Erina. "It did and caused a lot of troubles. I was a good student so my parents had so many expectations. So they were against it. So many arguments, fight, leaving home and staying at friends place etc. storms happened in my life."

Erina staring at her and the only thought that ' how courageous step it is to follow'

"So how did they accepted?!" She asked with the curious expression still on her face.

"They thought, they will get me married anyway so why to care about my career. If The guy have a luxurious life and a prestigious career then its enough." She said trying best to smile.

"So you agreed to it?!"

"At first it made me  furious of their stereotypical thought but then I gave up. At least they will allow me and after I achieve my dream then my life will be mine and no one's!" She said maybe a little excited with thought she spat at last.

"But.....I don't mean it in a negative way its just what if you don't get to achieve your dream?!" Erina asked as she became silent.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." She shook her head.

"No its fine! Actually no one knows what future holds. So even if I don't get what I dream for still I will have no regret at least I tried my best."

" But as you wanted your life will not be yours?"

" Yeah thats true but you know what the thought mom and dad will support me I just agreed for Now. whatever happens I will deal with it in future I don't wanna ruin my present. I know that I will give all my passion and hard work on it. " she said.

"So you will get married arranged by your parents?!"

"I'm engaged with the guy already!" She said chuckling as if its really funny.

"It was tough right?!" Erina asked softly.

"It was! but now the thought that I will get to study fashion and then can make my career on it...that's enough to lighten up me and vanish away that toughness."

" You sound so passionate!" Erina said warmly smiling.

" What made you ask me these ?!"

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