Chapter: 13; Parents.

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Marina came upstairs at their master bedroom to see her husband is sitting on a couch at veranda.

"What are you doing?!" asked while sitting beside him.

"Nothing just having fresh air!" he said side hugging her arms around her wife.

"I think you should once communicate with your children." she said hesitating not because  she scares her husband but rather she just Don't  want to order him in these situation. He have right to be mad on his child as a dad. But it feels so bad to her to see her family so scattered.

"No! Let her be. Wait children?!" he asked as Marina realized  he Don't know about Eron yet.

"I'm  talking about Eisha and Erina?!" she said as he made his lips curved in a 'O'.

" No benefits only arguments and we might end up agreeing with them. You know Erina and also we have to work technically to make the things as ours." he said as Marina Sighed.

"You are right! And in this i agree with you the most too. But......Edwin look its not like the way they chose people Don't  survive there? Its not like this right? Even many fashion designers  artists are out there. They earned a nice fame and net worth too. People respect and value them too right? And they reached there because of so much passion and willpower. For their art, designs, their creative work. So let them try atleast?!" Marina explained as expected by Edwin.

" Marina you Don't  know this career world is so competitive now. These one try in a wrong way will make you hang on a cliff for the rest of your law life. I Don't  want them to leave those hobby. They should study medical, stable their career and earning then they can work on their hobbies as much as they want." Edwin explained too but in an little aggressive voice.

"Its not like medical or engineers  businessman Doesn't  get downfall?!"  Marina said leaving her sweet and convincing voice.

"They do but still get a degree. They get several options to stabilize themselves again. But their career aren’t  like that.  It has a lot risk to get a serious downfall and never get Back to a perfect position." he said.

"But__!" got cut off by the door bell as she stood and left to open the door.

It's Eiden. After not having daughter, the only sunshine of the house, he always comes here to spend time with his both friends. And now he feels more lonely as his only daughter got separated from him. But thankfully because of Edwin and Marina, he do not feel lonely anymore.

"Oh hey Eiden! Come in." she said and gave him space to enter the house.

"How are you both?! I came to spend sometime with you two as i got so lonelier and busier after what those two did." he said walking inside.

"Yeah Edwin said you were too focused in work in these days. He is at veranda upstairs. You go there I'm bringing  some snacks and tea." she said and left to kitchen.

He went to veranda to see Edwin sitting as he sat down too.

"Missing Erina?! " he said while sitting and settling comfortably on the couch.

Edwin didn’t  replied.

"Actually i came here to talk about something which is making me over think a lot." Eiden said.

"Hmm speak it up!"

"So the thing is.....Don't get me wrong I know we are doing this in a technical way so that they themselves understand and change their majors. But isn’t  it a little bit harsh to stop all their expenses we used to give? What if they thing we abandoned them totally and if they get into any problems, they will not come to us for help." he paused. Don’t know how to explain his thoughts properly.

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