Becky's heart pounded in her chest, her mind a storm of conflicting emotions. She gazed into Freen's eyes, seeing the sincerity and vulnerability there. It was a lot to process-Nop's betrayal, Freen's confession-everything felt so overwhelming.

Her voice wavered as she spoke, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "Freen, I don't know what to say," she admitted, her voice catching. "This is a lot... I need time to sort through everything."

Freen nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of hope and apprehension. "I understand, Becky," she said gently. "Take all the time you need. I just wanted you to know the truth, and I wanted you to know how I feel."

As Freen stepped back, giving Becky space, their eyes held a moment of shared understanding. There were still many questions, uncertainties, and emotions to navigate, but in that moment, amidst the chaos of feelings, a bond between them had deepened-one that was built on trust, honesty, and a newfound acknowledgment of their true feelings.

Becky POV

As I sat there, lost in thought, a flood of emotions washed over me. Freen's confession echoed in my mind, each word carrying a weight that I couldn't ignore. It was a mixture of surprise, confusion, and a hint of something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I found myself blushing at the memory of our kiss, a kiss that felt more intense and significant than any I had experienced before.

But then, another memory resurfaced-one that made my cheeks burn with embarrassment. The night I had gotten drunk and kissed Freen, my actions fueled by the alcohol coursing through my veins. It was a moment that I hadn't fully remembered until now, and I couldn't help but cringe at my own recklessness.

I sighed, feeling a knot of frustration and confusion tightening in my chest. I blamed myself for not remembering that moment sooner, for allowing my own lack of control to cloud my judgment. It was a stark reminder that my emotions could be unpredictable and messy, and I couldn't always trust them.

And now, here I was, caught in a whirlwind of feelings-heartbreak over Nop's betrayal, confusion about my growing affection for Freen, and a deep desire to make sense of it all. It was overwhelming, and I knew I needed to sort through my emotions before I could even think about pursuing anything with Freen.

As much as Freen's confession had touched me, I couldn't allow myself to rush into something new. I had learned from my past relationship with Nop that jumping into things too quickly could lead to heartache and mistakes. I needed to take my time, to understand my own feelings and intentions before involving someone else in the tangled mess of my emotions.

So, as I sat there, I made a silent promise to myself. I would navigate this situation with care and consideration. I would take the time I needed to figure out my feelings and what I truly wanted. And most importantly, I would be honest-with myself and with Freen.

In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, one thing was clear: I needed to prioritize my own well-being and happiness. And that meant taking a step back, giving myself the space to heal, and allowing myself the time to untangle the web of emotions that had taken hold of me.

Freen fidgeted nervously as she tried to put her thoughts into coherent words. "I... I told Becky about my feelings, and now I can't stop thinking about what might happen next. What if she's uncomfortable around me now? What if she thinks our relationship is weird? What if she rejects me?" Her words tumbled out in a jumble, leaving nam and heng a little perplexed.

Heng chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Okay, slow down, freen. Take a deep breath and try to talk to us properly."

Nam nodded in agreement. "Yeah, freen. We want to help, but we can't if we can't understand what you're saying."

Freen took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Sorry, it's just... I'm really nervous and overthinking everything. I don't want to mess things up with Becky."

Nam put a reassuring hand on freen's shoulder. "Listen, freen, it's normal to feel nervous after confessing your feelings to someone. But you have to give Becky some space and time to process everything. Don't suffocate her with your worries."

Heng added, "And try to understand things from her perspective too. You never know how she might be feeling or what she's going through."

Freen nodded, grateful for their advice. "You're right. I just need to be patient and give her the space she needs."

Nam smiled. "Exactly. And remember, whatever happens, we're here for you, freen. We'll support you no matter what."

Freen smiled back, feeling a bit more reassured. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate your support."

Heng teased, "Well, of course! We can't let you mope around like this. We want to see you happy, so go and talk to Becky, but don't overwhelm her, okay?"

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