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Freen pushed her cart through the aisles of the grocery store, her mind focused on the task at hand. It had been a long and exhausting week at the hospital, and she had finally found a bit of time to restock her kitchen with fresh supplies. She moved methodically, checking expiration dates and selecting items she needed.

As she reached for a box of cereal, her heart skipped a beat. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure, and her stomach tightened. It was Nop, standing just a few feet away, his arm draped around a girl Freen didn't recognize. They seemed completely absorbed in each other, laughing and whispering as they went about their shopping.

Freen's grip on the cereal box tightened, her emotions swirling inside her. She felt a surge of anger, mixed with a heavy dose of disappointment. She had thought Nop was different, that he cared about Becky and their relationship. But here he was, looking like he was on a romantic date with someone else.

She tried to push the thoughts aside, reminding herself that it wasn't her place to interfere in Nop's personal life. But the sight before her was hard to ignore. She couldn't help but feel protective of Becky, knowing how much she cared for Nop.

As Freen continued her shopping, her mind raced. She thought about confronting Nop, giving him a piece of her mind about his behavior. She considered sending a warning to him, letting him know that she knew what he was up to. And the idea of going to their parents' house and addressing the issue head-on also crossed her mind.

By the time Freen had finished gathering her groceries, her emotions had settled into a simmering mix of anger and frustration. She paid for her items and pushed her cart out of the store, her thoughts still consumed by what she had witnessed.

Driving home, Freen debated with herself. She knew she cared about Becky and didn't want to see her hurt. But she also knew that getting involved in Nop's relationship wasn't her place. As she pulled into her driveway, she sighed heavily, feeling torn between her loyalty to Becky and the reality that this was a matter between Nop and his girlfriend.

Freen POV

My mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. How could he do this to Becky, who loved him so much? I had seen firsthand how much she cared for him, and it infuriated me to think that he would betray her trust like this.

I decided to keep my distance and observe them from afar. They seemed oblivious to my presence, lost in their own world of affection. I felt a mix of emotions – anger, sadness, and even a sense of betrayal on behalf of  Becky.

As I finished my grocery shopping, I couldn't shake the feeling of anger and disappointment. I knew I had to say something, to confront Nop about his actions and the hurt he was causing Becky. I decided to visit their parents' home, hoping to find Nop there and give him a piece of my mind.

As I arrived at their parents' house, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. I didn't want to create a scene, but I couldn't let Nop get away with hurting Becky like this. I knocked on the door, and Nop's mother greeted me warmly, unaware of the storm brewing within me.

"Is Nop home?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yes, he's in his room," she replied, a puzzled look on her face. "Is something wrong, Freen?"

"I need to talk to him," I said, my anger starting to boil over.

I made my way to Nop's room and knocked on the door. He opened it with a surprised expression, but that quickly turned to concern when he saw the look on my face.

"What's going on, Freen?" he asked.

"Who is that girl I saw you with at the mall?" I demanded, not holding back my anger.

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