Chapter Six: A Hospital and A Date

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A southern male voice then interrupted our excited moment.
"Well, well, well. Look who awoke to see another sunrise." The voice startled us and we realized it was just Porshia's older brother, Michael.

"Michael, oh my gosh! You're here. In the flesh and blood. Thank the stars above." Porshia started to speak in a southern accent like her brother.

"Well, too much flesh and blood. I gave you two pints of my blood to save your life." Michael says, raising his left arm to show her his bandage. He then turns to me.

"Hey, Christopher. Thanks for watching my sister for me. She means a lot to me and if anything were to happen to her, I wouldn't know what to do. So thank you." Mike pats me on the back hard and I grab my shoulder.

"No problem. A friend of Vick's is a friend of mine. By the way, Porshia, I am so sorry I caused you trouble. I never meant to scare you. I was just stressed, that's all." I apologized.

"It's okay, Christopher. I was scared and I overreacted to the situation. That's probably why I'm in this bed. Come here." Porshia gestures to give me a hug and I get pulled into this big bear hug.

"Hey, Porky-poo. I brought a friend with me." Michael then walks out of the room and comes back with a blanket in his arms.
He hands the blanket to Porshia and she unwraps it to reveal a small pig with a pink bow on its head.

Porshia gasps.
"Puny Porker! My baby! Oh, Mike, she's beautiful! I see you added her travelin' bow."

"Oh! So this is your " baby" you've talking about. She is one lovely little piglet, now is she?" Vick pets the small pig as she compliments it.

"Is that where you got the nickname " Porker" from?" I ask.

"Actually, I named the pig after me. I just got so close to Vick that I let her call me Porker. And then I named the pig " Puny Porker" since she is the final baby pig in my house." Porshia explains.

"How many pigs do you have?" Vick asks.

"Three: Hamlet, Bacon Bits, and Puny Porker." Porshia says, while cuddling her pig.

"Um, Dr. Ana, is it okay for both of them to get discharged tonight?" I ask.

"Well, Porshia's wound has to heal a little longer before she can start moving around. But I guess I can put her in hospital-homebound until she recovers. If that's fine with all of you." Dr. Ana explains.

"Great! I have the perfect thing to keep this special moment going." I say, excitedly.

"What, Chris? What did you have in mind?" Vick asks.

"Froyo Fo Eva. Only the best frozen yogurt shop this side of New York." I say, fist pumping.

"Oh, my gosh. Chris, that's great! We could really go for some frozen yogurt right now." Porshia says.

"Well, now that that's settled, I'll fill out your discharged forms." Dr. Ana leaves the room and the girls get ready to leave the hospital.


Hours later...


"Oh my gosh, those frozen yogurts were so good. I love the smores flavored one, the Smoyo, so much. That one is my favorite." I say as I wave goodbye to Michael and Porshia.

"My favorite had to be the Choco Froyo with extra sprinkles. So good!" Chris says.

"Hey. Thanks for taking us out for frozen yogurt. That was very nice of you. You didn't have to do that." I say.

My Female Frankenstein || Chris Brown Fanfic || ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora