28 ~ Director Hunley

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I SLAMMED the car door shut and walked over to Brandt. "You were right to call me Brandt. Now, where's Hunt?" I asked, impatiently.

"He's on his way and he'll be here very soon. But I need you to promise me something?" He looked at me with a hopeful expression.

"Name what you want Brandt, don't beat it round the bush as the English say." I say, waving a hand in dismissal.

"I want your word that none of them will be killed or injured when we capture them. Now, do I have it?" He asked.

"You have my word. Now, come tell me what this so called catastrophe is that your trying to prevent? And the reasoning for it being so urgent you called me?" I ushered him over towards a hedge nearby the entrance. Sirens began to blare out as a parade of black Mercedes and range rovers pulled up. One car's door opened and the British prime minister and his partner got out.

I took one look at him and immediately I knew what Hunt was planning to do. And if I'm being perfectly honest, it didn't surprise me at all.

"Have you informed the British government that Hunt is targeting the PM?" I asked, frowning.

"No I have not. Remember our little deal, I help you capture him alive and we go from there." Brandt replied calmly.

"You've picked up some awful habits from your little, friend Brandt, the worst of them being that you still believe you can control any outcome." I sighed, and glanced at him out of annoyance. His reasoning and debating was really getting on my nerves now.

"You!" I called turning to face my security guard. "Stay with him and keep a very close eye on him. Understood?" He nodded as I sighed and walked away to where I'd just spotted Chief Attlee arriving.

"Chief Attlee! Attlee!" I called out. He seemed to be ignoring me for whatever reason. Finally, he turned to face me, digested that I'd even bothered to show up.

"Ahh, Director Hunley. Last time we spoke you were busy hunting rouge agents in Morocco. To what, do I owe this..." he paused and drew out his sentence looking for the right word. "Pleasure?"

"Chief Attlee, I have reason to believe that the British Prime Minister's life is in danger." As soon as the words had left my mouth, his expression changed from one of utter disgust to one of horror and worry.

"Go-go on I'm listening to your reasoning." He replied, stuttering presumably from panic a little.

I explained to the pathetic, angry man what I knew from what Brandt had told me. Again, his eyes widened momentarily before he regained his composure.

"I see, so what do we do?" Attlee questioned in a professional manner.

"Board room meeting in 2. Get the PM and come along. Make sure you are NOT followed, and tell the security guards to make sure nobody enters after you. Am I clear?" I asked abruptly.

"Crystal." Attlee nodded and I marched off to the board room, leaving Brandt in the parking lot to wait on Hunt's arrival.


"Sir, Chief Attlee from MI6, needs to see you." One of my personal bodyguards whispered to me. I nodded, looking over to my wife who'd just brought some really expensive old artefact to take back to the house no less.

"Excuse me honey." I said to her. She nodded and dismissed me, smiling eager to buy more things. So, I allowed the bodyguards to lead me down a series of hallways and corridors until we got to a big, board meeting room. I knocked on the door and Chief Attlee opened it.

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