25 ~ Ilsa

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I WALKED across the bridge, heels clicking against the metal. I could see the man I was supposed to meet ahead, sitting on a bench with a sandwich, looking out over the river Thames. I reached the bench and sat down, gaining the man's attention.

"I have it. It's here sir. Everything you need to know and all the information you sent me to gather. All on that hard drive disk." I said, placing the drive on his folded up newspaper which displayed the headline of: ROUGE AGENT, I assumed it to be talking about Ethan Hunt.

"Excellent. Your sure it's all on here? Everything?" He asked hopefully, an expectant look flashing in his eyes.

"Yes I'm sure. It's everything you wanted. The Syndicate's entire infrastructure, who they are what they do, the politicians involved and where the money comes from." I confirmed, with a nod of my head.

"And what makes you think this so called disk is authentic?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Why would Lane want it so badly if it wasn't authentic?" I asked, confused on why he'd asked.

"Yes but why would he ever let you have it if it was? Did you ever stop to think about that, Ilsa?" He said, flatly and accusingly.

"Yes I did actually. It is real and I'm delivering it to you just as you asked me to." I shifted on the bench, irritated and uncomfortable.

"It may well be authentic but there's only one person I trust to verify that information; you." He added quickly. My jaw dropped and I looked at him with a pleading and sad demeanour.

"No. My orders were to deliver this to you, no more than that and you know full well!" I snapped.

"No they were not. Your orders were to infiltrate the Syndicate so that we may learn more about them. This isn't proof this is a test like everything else and the only way to pass, is to go back." He replied, calmly.

"I cannot do that. I have betrayed Lane's trust too many times. What's to say if I go back he won't hesitate to kill me? What will you do then?" I said, angrily turning to him.

"And in every instance you did so of your own volition."

"He was going to kill and American agent! He is our ally I can't let him die!" I all but yelled.

"You should of done then you would of been trusted but no you do what you want to do because your Ilsa and you don't listen to your god Damn instructions do you!" He accused, pointing a finger at me intrusively.

"Neither do you." I muttered.

"If you've got something to say, dear do speak up. As it stands, Hunt is a man without a country which makes killing him decisively less complicated." He smiled wickedly. It made me sick to the stomach.

"Are you ordering me to kill Hunt? Our ally in this field? I suggest you question your authority to do so sir." I asked, sarcastically.

"God lord no! Nothing as stupid as that! Lane will order you to and to regain his trust you will."

"You sent me to do a job and I did it." I quipped back, attempting to stay calm and collected.

"Might I remind you, your without a country of your own?-" I cut him off before he could finish, getting up and huffing angrily. Before I was able to walk away, he yanked on my coat sleeve, pulling me back down.

"Let me finish! The CIA called me inquiring about you personally. Of course, to protect your cover I had to lie so as far as the Americans are concerned, your a rouge assassin; a target for opportunity. I'd hate for us to forget and someone accidentally let it slip. Wouldn't you? You see there really isn't a choice, your going back weather you like it or not, Ilsa." He said, slyly. I got up and and sighed, greatly resisting the desperate urge rising up inside me to grab his stupid red tie which was stained with mayo and pull it to strangle him.

Huffing, I walked off, heels clicking again.

"Glad to know you're still with us!" He called after me. I spun round and gave him a vulgar gesture before running off, into the busy city that is London.

I'd been told my orders were to follow so I just had to wait until then, it wouldn't be that bad. Would it?

Word Count: 758

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