07 - Miles

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"YOU, BOY! Come with us, quickly if you don't want to be caught!!" The woman said, the panic in her voice was rather obvious despite her efforts to suppress it. I wondered where we were going to escape from if all the doors and windows had been locked and the cops were flooding the building as Benji had previously said.

"Why bother? If the cops are here and there ain't no way out then what's the point? Where are we even going?" I asked, reluctant to trust the stranger.

"Firstly that's not the attitude to adopt if your a field agent. Secondly, there's always a way out, you just gotta look for it. In this case, it's up." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me along behind her and Dad. How she knew I was (or was going to be in the future) a field agent, I really didn't know and for that factor, I admired her despite my absolute awe.

Up some more stairs then smashing open a door finally revealed where about a we were going; the roof. For God sake! Both of them are mental! Yet I suppose we had no other options so I just had to go along with it.

Stepping out of the small wooden door and onto the top, I could hear shouting and heavy boots on metal. This just gets better and better! Adrenaline and joy filled me and I started to laugh. My previous fears and panic had now mostly melted away, leaving me with this excited and ready to participate kinda aura. The game was most definitely on now! Unlike the other two, I decided that the best possible solution was to quickly deduce ways to get down which involved breaking the least amount of bones possible.

"Right then, who's gonna be brave and take the fall first?" I asked, smiling.

Jogging, the others caught up to me, both of them looked horrified and shocked. None more so than my father, who just for clarification here, hasn't seen me since I was eleven bearing in mind I'm now sixteen. And was also, rather weirdly might I add, holding a pair of black stiletto strapped heels?? I mentally noted them to be the woman's.

"None of us are jumping off!! There's another way down, don't you see?!" He said, calmly but still quite shocked from my jumping remark. I studied him intensely to see if he'd remembered me. It took him all of about a minute to realise and when he did, his mouth slowly dropped open kinda like a fish out of water.

"Miles. What an earth are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.

"Hey Dad it's me. Long time no see Ayy?" I said, smiling. He smiled back briefly before asking again.

"You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?" He repeated.

"Well, long story short, I was at the office with Benji when a letter came and told us about the opera and now here you are." I said, gesturing to him. He nodded, slowly beginning to understand.

"Okay then. So long as you don't do anything extremely dangerous, you can tag along. Now let's get off this god damned roof." He said, pointing to a rope that was rather conveniently thrown over a pipe and pulley and lead down to the ground. He asked the woman to hold onto him. Scared she refused but after some gentle negotiations and persuasion, she reluctantly agreed. Once they'd reached the floor (the mysterious lady swearing blue murder as they did so), it was my turn. The footsteps grew closer and louder and just as I slid down the rope, I glimpsed the owners of them charge through the door, guns blazing, dogs barking and yelling at each other trying to search the roof for us.

It took no more than four seconds max, for my feet to hit the concrete floor. Cops then burst through the grand entrance doors which weren't too far away from us and before they could see us, Dad motioned to us to follow him down a series of alleyways.

I looked over to the woman and shrugged, "best option we got honey." I said. She nodded and we both took off into a run to keep up with my Dad. The alleyways were long, dirty and damp but they eventually lead us to where we needed to be. All three of us emerged from the alley, panting and sweating. A car screeched to a halt in front of us, both doors flung open, revealing the driver who seemed to be Benji.

"QUICKLY! GET IN, NOW!!" He yelled, obviously seeing the cops and security of whom were now running toward us.

No sooner had I shut the door, we drove away at breakneck speeds. Turning the corner, we saw the President's car. All was well for a mere few seconds before it exploded and burst into a web of orange flames which eagerly engulfed his car.

"Jesus Christ." I heard the woman mutter. I turned to her, curious to know her identity.

"Who are you?" I asked skeptically.

Before she could even answer, Benji cut in.

Word Count: 863

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