21 ~ Ilsa

25 0 0

NO, NO no, no! Someone had returned the cooler's original state but this time it was at full power! I looked down at my tablet, tapping away at buttons trying to access the controls once again. I tried to shut off the fully powered current but I was unsuccessful; OVERRIDE FAILED appeared on my tablet screen in big red letters. Jesus Christ! I then tapped into the escape door hatch, only to find that it was unusable as it was tightly sealed shut and secured. Again, I attempted to override it but I failed. This meant that Ethan couldn't escape now. To make matters worse, the poor guy's oxygen had now run out so he'd most likely be rendered unconscious now. I had to help him and fast. After a couple more minutes of desperation, I finally managed to override the escape hatch door without alerting any of the workers.

Removing my top and leggings to reveal my swimming costume, I tied my hair back and took a deep breath before looking round to make sure nobody was watching. Nobody was or so I could see so I jumped into the freezing cold waters of the cooler. The current immediately took hold and carried me into the torus where I could just about see a figure floating round, unconscious. I swam over to him, picking him up as best I could, taking us both toward the security hatch or as close to it as I could get with a bloody revolving camera going round.

Eventually, I reached the door and pulled the handle down. It didn't open. I tried again, but I was met with the same results. I was running out of air so I pulled the bar down hard, this time and it opened, spewing gallons of water out of the side at high speeds, landing us on the cold, hard concrete floor just behind it.

My suspicions had been proven correct. Ethan was in fact totally unconscious most likely from lack of oxygen or hypoxia; one of the two.

"Jesus Christ, this cannot be happening, not now please." I breathed. Spotting a defibrillator on the wall, I ran over to it and opened the box. Quickly skim reading the instructions, I dragged it back over to Ethan and powered it up. It worked, his eyes fluttered open and he slowly sat up, coughing up water as he did so.

"Are- are you all right? Your not hurt are you?" I asked, panicking. He attempted to respond but couldn't manage it yet so instead he just nodded and gave a weak thumbs up, signifying he was okay.

"Plus side though, you did it. You completed the task." I said, offering a friendly smile to attempt to lighten the mood. It was at this moment, that Benji came traipsing in, carrying the hard drive disk and a spare, yellow shirt in his arm.

"See? I knew you could do it! Was it difficult and tricky? Yes but, but it certainly wasn't impossible-" he cut himself off, staring from me to Ethan, panic consuming him.

"Is he alright? Omg what happened? What happened?!" He said, rushing over to us.

I saw the disk in Benji's hand and I knew what I had to do; what must be done but I didn't want to have to be the one to do that. Not yet, anyway.

Word Count: 564

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