20 ~ Ethan

29 0 0

WE LANDED on the roof and folded away our parachutes. I then shot a dart at the camera which shut it down temporarily. Nobody would know this because Benji was down at the front gates, causing a distraction.

"C'mon, we don't have a lot of time." Ilsa said from beside me. I nodded and we ran across the roof to the big glass dome where I took a small circular device out of my pocket and placed it on the glass. It started to emit a high pitched noise before smashing the glass so we could get through. Both of us then jumped through and ran across the suspended metal platforms stopping only when we were by a big, yellow machine.

"Right, one more time. You'll have 3 minutes. 2 and a half to switch the security profile and 30 seconds to escape through the service hatch. The current will carry you to the torus and once you're there I'll shut it down to make it easier for you to save oxygen, okay?" Ilsa said flatly, pressing something on her tablet which moved the platform we were sitting on, toward the cooler.

"Important note, the profile is in slot 108, repeat slot 108. And if you haven't switched it by the time I'm at that analysis, I'm dead." Benji said, over the earpiece.

"Right thank you for the added level of stress there buddy!" I snapped. The platform stopped moving abruptly and I looked down to see the cooler sitting below us.


"As I'll ever be." I muttered. Swinging my legs over the side, I slowly stood up and placed my goggles on my face. Checking that my oxygen monitor was up to 100%, I started the 3 minute countdown, took a deep breath and plummeted into the cold water. Immediately, the current carried me through a series of tunnels before taking me to the main cooler, otherwise known as the torus. The current then became extremely weak so I assumed that Ilsa had cut off the seawater from the top. Either way, it made it so much easier. I swam over to the side and grabbed onto the handle of one of the security boxes, etched into the wall.

I ducked as a camera swung round on a rotating pole. Benji had said the profile I needed to switch was in 108, right? I was pretty sure of this so I made my way over to that slot, unhooking the connecting cables and throwing the lid aside. Pulling the little yellow security slide out and sliding it between my teeth, I grabbed Benji's profile out of the little pocket on the side of my wetsuit. Removing the other profile from my teeth, I was about to replace the empty slot with Benji's profile when the revolving camera came round again. I couldn't duck in time so it hit me square in the stomach causing me to drop both profiles. As if things couldn't get any worse, the current then began flowing through again but this time at full power. This was just bloody brilliant! However, I could still see the profiles floating round in front of me, so holding onto the floor, I went over to them but as I did so, my oxygen monitor on my arm beeped. I looked down at it and nearly swore and I don't swear very often. It was red and beeping to let me know that my oxygen was running out, and fast currently, it was only on 10% which meant I needed to hurry. I managed to grab both profiles and pull myself up onto the wall and back to slot 108. But which profile was it I had to put back in?! Both had been mixed up when they were dropped so now I had no clue which was which. My oxygen continued to beep so I had to make a decision. Throwing aside the profile in my left hand, I shoved the other one into the empty slot in the box. Weather this was the right one or not I wouldn't know yet, I just hoped it was and that Benji was safe.

Now, to focus on escaping. Scanning the small torus, I could see the escape hatch not to far from where I was now. Grabbing onto the wall once again, I reached it and pulled the handle aggressively. It would not move no matter how hard I pulled it. Perhaps it was a push? Nope, I tried that too and it didn't work which meant it was definitely a push. I tried once more with the same results as last. I remembered suddenly that the more a person moves, the more they consume oxygen, especially when swimming. I looked down at my oxygen monitor which was now at 0%.

I could feel my limbs go numb as my hands slipped from the bar on the escape hatch. My mind felt foggy and distant and my lungs cried out in pain, desperately trying to get air. No, no no! This was not good I had to get out otherwise I'd drown! I couldn't give up now! I tried to move but I couldn't. My eyes drifted shut and the world went black.

I was now vaguely aware that I had blacked out, or at least I thought I had. Damn it!

Word Count: 894

The Case Studies of Miles Hunt (Mission Impossible 5) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें