01 - Miles

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HE'S BEEN MISSING FOR five years now. Sent out on a highly classified field mission with his partner Benji. Yet Benji comes back and he doesn't. Suspicious I know. Lots of search parties have been held to try and find him but all have been so far unsuccessful then again, we are talking about my father here who has a real knack for avoiding any kind of authority when he wanted to. So whilst he's out there doing God knows what, I've been put into the care of his best friend, Benji who I actually know quite well. He's a real nice guy and all but he isn't any replacement for Dad. Hi, my names Miles, Miles Hunt. You may recognise the surname. My Dad is a world class American agent who works for the IMF or he did before they fired him for apparently 'going rogue'. Like I say, he's been missing for quite some time now and life's been pretty boring since, for both me and Benji. Even though I'm only sixteen, I still go into the office everyday to see if I can help out anywhere and earn a little extra money. Plus, it's also great experience considering that this is the career I want to go into. Many are doubtful that I should even be allowed here at all but then again, they don't have a say in it because 1. They aren't the boss and 2. It is my life not theirs. I am also quite opinionated and unafraid to speak my mind, which comes directly from my Dad.

So far, today was turning out to be the usual, Friday morning. Long, tiring and just straight up boring. There wasn't much to do today other than look at a couple of files and mark some cases as closed. To make it worse, it was already twenty six degrees and predicted to get even hotter during the day. Now I don't know if I've mentioned this but I am absolutely horrible at withstanding heat in any kind of way. Yes I know, sounds pathetic but it's true. Anything over twenty and I absolutely melt like an ice pop. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, having lived in Boston (which could get really hot in the summer) most of my life up until now of course, but nope, that's not the case unfortunately. I sighed and undid my top button, loosened my tie slightly and spun round in my chair. The fans in here were rubbish so I had to create some form of cold breeze so I didn't melt. I'd nearly finished all my work and I was just taking a break so I didn't loose concentration and mess up what I was supposed to be doing. This was not working at all if anything it just made it worse. So, I stopped spinning round in the chair and got up to go get a coffee. I needed a strong coffee so preferably black but anything would do at this point. And yes, despite the hot weather I still do drink coffee, don't ask why I just do, okay? As I got up, I looked over at Benji who sat opposite to my desk.

"Hey, Benji I'm just gonna get a coffee. You want one?" I asked.

"Nah I'm alright thanks kid. Just had one." He said, smiling.

"Alright, okay then buddy." I said. I waited for the machine to make my drink then, I carefully carried it back and sat down again to resume my work. About twenty minutes later when I was halfway through marking up one of the cases, a man in a black suit and a red tie came out of his office. I turned to face him. His face was set in an expression halfway between smugness and boredom. I did not know the man so I assumed he had no use with me.

"Do we have a Mr. Miles Hunt here?" He asked, as he did so he looked directly at me. I had a feeling he already knew the answer to his own question but out of respect I answered it anyway.

"Yep that's me. Hello, what can I do for ya, sir?" I asked, calmly. I was panicking on the inside obviously but I'd been taught not to let that show and just to stay calm and smile because your panic could and quite possibly would be used against you. So I abided by that and stood confidently and calmly.

"Come with me son. I've got a few things I want to ask you." He replied. He gestured for me to follow him into the office. I nodded and followed up behind him. I looked back at Benji for support, he just rolled his eyes and mouthed 'interview.' Because that really helped didn't it. I stepped into the room which was actually more of a board meeting room than an office and the man closed the door behind us.

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