05 - Miles

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"AGAIN, REALLY?! Benji you really gotta stop doing that man!" I said. That was the second time tonight. I didn't understand why he couldn't just turn the frequency down or something instead of decimating my eardrums every damned time he spoke to my Dad. To this, I got no reply which I wasn't really surprised about to be perfectly honest with you. I huffed, bored as hell. The job Benji had given me was to stand at the end of the left corridor, right by the backstage prep area and keep an eye out for some young looking guy with glasses and to also stand watch for any sort of danger. I swear, it's the most boring thing I've ever had the displeasure of completing and that ranks above any and all of my past Math lessons before I left school. I began to slowly zone out, paying less and less attention to my surroundings when I was brought back to attention (for the second time tonight, yes I know I can loose concentration quickly) by a gunshot overhead.

I looked up to get a spilt second image of my Dad and a woman in a yellow dress with a gun. Immediately horrified, I notified Benji and ran up the winding metal staircase ahead of me. I took the steps two at a time terrified of the situation, how it tied in to this mission and the possible consequences and aftermath. I reached for my gun (which frankly I don't even know how I was allowed at this point) and pointed it rather confidently at this woman's head, at first she didn't notice because she was too busy holding Dad at gunpoint so it took her a minute or two to become aware of my presence.

"DON'T SHOOT, YOU SHOOT I SHOOT! PUT DOWN YOUR GUN, MISS!" I cried. I was hoping my voice sounded crisp and clear and carried some kind of authority through the darkness, but I think it sounded like more of a scared trembling if I'm being perfectly honest. And yes, even though I was dealing with a 'criminal' I guess you could call her, I was still going to be as polite as possible because kindness got people places so did manners then again, I'm not so sure that applies to situations where someone is holding your parent at gunpoint. The woman moved closer, high heels clicking along the metal reached me.

"Alright, I wasn't planning on killing your father or anyone really, only injuring them enough for them to be safe." Her voice was smooth like velvet and was strangely reassuring yet I could detect the danger and aggression in it all the same.

"Wait, how d'you know? Who told you I'm his son? Where did that information come from?!" I asked, defensively. I was trying to stay calm but she was making it impossible for me to so I just descended into panic as an alternative.

"I have my sources and you have yours do you not? Or are the Americans slightly slower than I anticipated?" She responded.

"So your, secret service then? Huh interesting, I see now. Typical British, always making stereotypical assumptions without actually thinking through the conclusion first." I said.

"What gave me away? How did you know that? Smarter than the rest of them, mmmh?" She mused.

"You have your sources and I have mine. Plus your accent is quite heavy same as mine so it gives your game away rather easily." I reasoned.

"Indeed, so."

With this, she turned her attention back to my father. Considering the woman had spoken in a soft whispering tone to me, I didn't think that he'd heard what she'd said so my cover was more or less still okay but it was cracking slightly.

"Oh your back to me now are you? Tell me, who was that you were talking to over there, then?" He asked the woman to which she reassured him it was just an old friend of her's.

"I have an idea but your going to have to trust me and I know that may be difficult considering that you've only just met me. There are dangerous people here tonight, I'm going to do something and your going to go along with it."

He didn't say anything which is usually what he did when he was weighing up his options to come to the quickest possible conclusion.

"Okay." Was all he said. She didn't need any further confirmation. From the scraping of metal and the clicking of a handle I knew she'd pulled her gun back out yet, what she was aiming at, I had no idea.

The sound of a second gunshot filled the air. For a few moments, we were all still and didn't know what to do. The woman must of looked flustered or panicked because my dad then suggested we run to which she agreed and we did.

Below us, we saw all the doors windows and exits being closed off by police and military personnel, each yelling at different command to the last. There was no way out, we were entirely trapped.

That was of course, until my dad suggested the roof...

Word Count: 869

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