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Scar's POV 

"Why weren't answering my calls! Are you okay?!" I asked as I pulled out the hug and looked at him, "I was with Timmy at his coffee shop, and I left my communicator here.. and yeah I'm fine" he said looking at his communicator to see how many times I called which was about 8 times.

"Oh. Did you hear what happened..?" I asked, "yeah, um W-Watcher told me" he said looking away. "How'd you know?" He asked looking back at me, "I uhm it's, yeah Watcher told me too" I lied hoping he'd fall for it.

"Oh." He said looking confused, he glanced at me one more time and walked towards his window. "Well I, uh, sorry for missing your calls but I'm going to go back to Timmy and Beth now." He said waving bye and flying out his window.

I was about to leave but that's when I heard a door open


Oh shit I forgot about Pearl being Grian's sister, I then see her walk into the kitchen. I slowly turn around and-

"Scar?" She said, act dumb act dumb, I thought turning back around to face her. "Yes?" I say standing straight up, "oh, so you're the one Grian keeps talking about" she said walking towards me. "I um, I don't know" I say as a bit of blush crossed my scar over my nose from thinking of Grian talking about me.

"You last name is Goodtime, am I right?" She asked, in which I nodded. "Then yes you're the one he talks about, I can't say you look great but I know Grian thinks different" she says as she puts her hands on her hips. 

"Is that how you knew my last name? From Grian talking about me..?" I ask as more blush creeps up on my face. "Yep, but ever since that accident with 'Timmy' he's been none stop wanting to go and see him. If you don't know where he is, he's at Jimmy's shop since he wanted to spend time with his friend. To be honest he always thought of Jimmy as a brother" she said walking over to Grian's bed.

"Oh" is all I said before she continued, "ever since he woke up he told me he wanted to go and see Jimmy and actually cried a bit, he's been there for the whole day almost" she said as I thought of wanting to make him fell better and hug him again.

"I guess he's okay now and since he's spent a lot of time there (Jimmy's coffee shop)" she finished and looked at me still standing by the door. "Oh and also, DON'T tell Grian I talked to you, he would be pissed if anyone else knew I was here. Got it?" She said as she death stared at me.

"Oh! Yeah yeah right sorry for bothering you! Bye!" I yelled as I ran out the door, I went back to my dorm and took off the rest of the day cause I got out to see Grian and I don't want to go back.

I opened my dorm door and face planted onto my bed as soon as I got to it, I then put my bag down and of something me and the others (Grian, Cleo, and Mumbo) could do on the weekend.

Grian's POV 

I walked back into the shop and saw people waiting in line, so I walked in behind the counter where Timmy and Beth were and started taking their orders. 

About 2-3 hours later we got done and now it's 6pm, they actually close up the shop since it's Friday. They're opened 24/7 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, they take their weekends off.

I've really been here all day haven't I? Timmy flipped the open sign to the closed sign and all three of us made our coffees and joked around. I don't know why we would want coffee right now but who cares I love coffee.

We each get done with our coffees and sit at a booth, we talk until we finally got tired and said our byes. We all did a group hug and I flew back to my dorm waiting for the weekend to come so I can spend time with everyone (Scar, Timmy, Cleo, Beth, and Mumbo) and maybe have a sleepover again!

Of course only if they want to or can. When I got to dorm I walked over to Sis's room, she's asleep. I give her a weird side hug thing and walk out, I walk over to Pearl and Maui's food and water bowl and feed them.

Once done with that I hop into my bed, get comfortable and fall asleep, happy for the weekend.


Hey pups! Sorry it's a little short, I hope you liked it and hope you're having a good day or night. Thank you so much for reading THIS far and I love you all!!

Bye Pups! 814 words!

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