6 TW-strong language

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Grian's POV

I didn't even realize that Hotguy just yelled at me because I was zoned out on something that looked like it was coming right for me, I glance back at Hotguy who looked annoyed and I bet my look was terrified. 

He began to say, "hey, are you alright there?", and right after he said that I saw what the thing that was zooming right towards me.

"PLANE!?", I said faster than anything in this world, I tried to fly away as fast as I could but my left wing got hit by its wing(on the plane)

"SHIT", that was the only word that actually came out of my mouth when I thought I was falling to my death...

Scar's POV

The only thing that I heard before the communicator flew out of the parrots hands, the next thing I knew I heard screaming but not on the communicator, from the sky above me.

I looked up and saw the villain falling so I quickly got up and was getting ready to catch him, I have never caught a person before and especially a winged creature but I have picked up Grian so I guessed that that counted.

I got in the right spot, put my elyria on and flew up because I would think it would be easier to catch him in the air and fly back down with him in my arms carefully. 

Then bam! I caught him perfectly, he was closing his eyes and hugging/gripping me tightly. I thought it was quite cute but I giggled a little which made him look up at me, he had reddish pink skin under his eyes because he had been crying from what felt to him like a broken wing. We looked at each other until I broke the silence, "hey..it's okay now, I got you", I said with a warming smile, he looked away from me and sat his head and hand on my stomach.

I blushed at the sudden feel of him, I held him tightly while I fly back down. When I got down to ground level a heard the same sound that Grian made when he fell asleep, I look down to see a sleeping little bird in my arms, and I just shrugged the sound of Grian off.

About ten minutes later, I still have the cute little bird in my arms and then I see Doc speeding right towards me.

I had wide eyes when he landed because he was panting and out of breath, he looks at the villain in my hands and then to me. He walks over to me and has an angry and confused look on his face. "Why in the iren are you holding that villain that I was just looking the f_(# for!?" He said in a(n) rude manner, " because he got hit by a plane with his wing and now I think passed out!" I yelled at him because he was glaring at the bird.

He now looked concerned and asked, " wait how did you catch him? I was flying after him a ways away, did he fly all this way back to you? And if he is hurt THAT bad I can fix him up." He said in a lighter tone. Looking back at the bird.

"I'm not sure how he got here but I was lucky to have seen him, and when he wakes up I will ask if he is okay." I said to the half creeper half robot man, who looked a little worried from the last part of my sentence.

2 hours later  Grian's POV (4:05 a.m.)

When I open my eyes, I am outside right by the hero's headquarters with arms around my waist, I turn back to see Hotguy sleeping while ripping his strong looking arms around me with his legs on either side of my legs  was putting his head on my back in the middle of where my wings meet, and god I started blushing like crazy! Omgomgomgomgomgomg, I kept saying in my head. Hotguy somehow moved closer to me and now his head was on the back of my neck, I felt him breathing which made my blushing worst

I slowly tried to move but every time I did I heard a small grunt from him, I flapped my wings twice and looked back. I saw a squinting emerald eye trying to see, when he fully opens his eyes, he notices what he was doing and quickly stops.

I am finally free from his grip and I was looking at him with a confused face, "how did I get here? The only thing I remember was a plane coming for me." I said, and he began to say, "I caught you while you were falling down and you were crying, are you okay?"with a soft smile. 

"I was crying!? Well great f_(#ing job Grian!" I said and thought, I am just embarrassed at this point. "What do you mean? Everyone cries, even I do, but mostly if my friends betray me..." he said with a sad look. " I DON'T! I SWORE TO MYSELF TO NOT!" I yelled way to loud at this time of day. "Well you did, and that's okay. After you stopped crying you lad your head on my chest." He said quite happy for so reason.

I had a dramatic sad face when he looked up at me, he started to giggle a little which made me laugh a back. I thanked him back I mumbled it instead of saying it because 1st-it might seem like I have a weak spot and 2nd-I didn't really want to be embarrassed in front of the number one hero. Even though he embarrassed himself by cuddling me, I don't want to do the same.

I said fair well to him and flew into the sky or tried at least but instead of going up I went down, I crashed on my back and let out a yelp. When Hotguy came up to me and made sure that I was ok I "walked" (boring) back to my dorm.

I then was so mad at myself for going out because it was now 4:30 in the morning and I had to get ready for school in like 2 1/2 hour!        =')


Hey pups! It's your girl Piper/DNAwolf! I got over 1000 words again and I really like this one, if you have an idea next time tell me in the comments or tell me if you are having a good/bad day/night! I love y'all so much and THANK YOU SO MUCH  


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now BYE PUPS! 1102 words!

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