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Scar's POV

When Grian's and my class ended, we decided to go eat a little snack because our classes start in 20 minutes and we were hungry. We went to a vending machine and got some chips and some candy, then when to go find somewhere to sit and talk.

"Sooooooo, are you okay Grian because of that guy who k-kissed you...?" I asked and he looked worried, "yeah, I'm fine now because you helped me, and that god dame boy has kissed me like three or four times! What is his problem!?" He said looking straight at me. "I don't know, their are just STUPID people in this world" I said looking around

He lade his head down in his hands and started to giggle a little, which I was confused why. "Why are you laughing? Are you okay?" I asked, he looked back up at me with a funny face, "y-you just s-said stupid!" He said laughing out loud.

I smiled because of his cute little laugh and put my head in one of my hands on the table, I zoned out by looking at him and didn't even realize that he stopped laughing and was looking at me. 

Grian's POV

"Scar...?" I said blushing a bit because he was just smiling and looking at me, "Scar are you okay..?" I said again. 

"SCAR!" I said louder, "uh, what!? What's wrong!?" He asked with a shocked face, "no are you okay because you were just staring at me.. it was weird." I said, "oh I-I'm sorry, I zoned out by someth-" I cut him off, "you zoned out by me?" I asked with a little more blush on my face.

"Uhh um, I-I um" he couldn't get any words to come out, I didn't realize the time until the bell rang, we both said bye and went to class.


Scar's POV 

I still can't believe I just zoned out because of how cut- I mean by Grian I thought with a little blush on my face. I saw Grian walking with his friend Mumbo and talking about something, I walked over to them and said hey.

Mombo then did a funny face at Grian, which made him get a bit flustered, I was a little confused, "what's going on, did y'all have a good day?" I asked, both of them said yes. It was getting a little late so we said our goodbyes and we went to our dorms.

When I got to my dorm I decided to go to the headquarters and maybe if "Watcher" is out I can tell him sorry for hurting his wings. I was flying to the headquarters and out of nowhere the one and only Watcher zooms right passed me, he turns around still gliding and gives me the middle finger with a smile.

What is he's problem, I was just thinking of telling him sorry but not anymore I thought as I tried to speed passed him like he did me, but he was faster because he was kind of half bird(parrot).

I went down into a tree and tried to hid so I could maybe see where Watcher was going, when he looked back again and didn't see me he stopped flying and started to float down. He had a dramatic sad face and puffed up he's feathers, he then started to walk to the headquarters in which I followed.

When we got there, Watcher turned around looking back, "where in the f_(#ing world did Hotguy go!? Now it's just scary!" He said angrily, I couldn't help but laugh which gave away that I was there. 

He looked at me and gave me the middle finger again, and took off into the sky again. But I didn't let him get away that easily again, I flow up as fast as I could and caught him. I grabbed his suit and pulled him towards me, hugging him or holding him.

I didn't even know why I did that but I just kept holding him, he had a shocked face and was about to hit me but didn't and put his legs around me. I blushed furiously because I was holding his a$$ to keep him from falling, he was holding my neck and was looking behind me.

I closed my eyes and started to float down to the ground, when I got to the ground though, he punched the living iren out of me. I flopped to the ground and looked at him blushing maybe even more than I was, "What the hell is wrong with you!? You were just holding my a$$!" He said quickly while still blushing, "well you pull your legs around me! What was I supposed to do, drop you!" I said back, "I can f_(#ing fly remember!?" He said even more angry.

"O-oh right..." I said slapping myself, I got up and realized how short he was to me, he was Grian's height. I told him sorry for what I did and sorry for crushing his wings, he then took off and I went in the headquarters.

Great job Scar, you wouldn't to tell him sorry but before you could you decided to grab him and hold him in the air by his butt, just great I thought to myself.


HEY PUPS if it's short I'm sorry! I might make another today but I had to get this done because I really don't know what to put, so I guess I'll think of something later or y'all can think of something! I hope y'all are having a great day or night!

BYE NOW PUPS 926 words!

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