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Scar's POV

I went left and Watcher went right, I kept thinking that he was going to do something and listen if I could hear anything but I didn't after 10 minutes. I stopped trying to listen if he was going to do anything and started to fix some of the doors that I've broken or shot into while training, "How in the f_(#ing world did you get an arrow stuck into the wall!? And I can't even pull it out!" I heard Watcher say, "well it's called training!" I said finding more arrows in the wall.

"You do training? Weakkkkkkkk!" Watcher said making me turn around, "what do you mean weak!? You can't even beat me!" I laugh. "That's because I don't try on you, you're literally the 'Hotguy'! Hot-Guy you're hot I can distracted sometimes~" Watcher said making me blush, "you get distracted by me?" I ask still looking at him, "why not? Girls literally drool on you! Haha!" He said while laughing.

"And that's because I'm hot or I'm a hero?" I question, "probably both? Idk." He said and both of us looking back at what we were doing. About 15 minutes go by and we're in my office, I have two rooms, one is obviously where I sit with my desk and all the stuff I need, and the other is/are all of my weapons, I knew that if he got to clean or fix that he would steal as least something so I took the that room while he got my office.

I kept the door opened so I could see Watcher in my office just in case if he wanted to steal something, so I gave him a watching eye. I then start to fix or well mostly clean my weapons, I also have a closet and bathroom in my office just in case I need to change or use the restroom and take a bath. I hoped that he wouldn't try and touch or find anything I didn't want him to, because he would probably find cute pictures of Grian but some are on my desk..

"Um, why do you m- a random person on your desk?" He said and both of us looking at each other, "oh well he's my friend and I guess I just wanted a picture of him on my desk?" I say but then regret because he walks out of the room for some reason. I of course followed him because he's a villain and see him just standing right in front of the door turned to the outside.

Grian's POV

What the he// I am not Hotguy's friend as Grian or Watcher! Do I know him when he's not Hotguy? I thought while questioning myself, "uh are you alright?" Hotguy said making me turn around. "Yeah, but I gotta go." I said glaring at him, "okay.. but did I do something?" He said, "ye-no you didn't I was just thinking, that's all." I said walking to the exit. Perfect timing to go and blow it up on the top! I thought getting outside, I look behind me to see if he was coming which he was, come on man! I thought madly looking at him walking to me.

He got to me, " I ain't letting you blow anything up so I gonna keep an eye on you until you leave." He said crossing his arms, "I would never!" I said dramatically putting my hand on my sides. "Sure you wouldn't, now go before I I change my mind and put you in jail." He said, "first offof rude! And second you just made me help you clean and fix things in your HQ because of your training!" I said and gave him the middle finger.

"I didn't make you, you insisted!" He said, "that's because I was bored and wanted to snoop around! Wait I mean- um, n-never mind!" I said back turning my head, "exactly! Now go and don't cause any trouble." He said waiting for me to take off. 

"Fineeeeee! Party pooper!" I said looking at him and then looking up, "I am not a party pooper I just don't want you blowing our headquarters down!" He said as I took off. I look back at him still looking at me and know that he knows I was going to blow the place down, I look back in front of me head for my dorm balcony so I didn't have to walk in the school because I didn't want to talk or pump into snobby and get them mad at me.

I get to my balcony and in my dorm to find a note and basket on my bed, I read the note..


Dear Grian, 

I just wanted to say that I love you and miss you so much! You father and me wanted to give you something that you left behind, we hope you like it and wish you a good day. We hope you are doing good in school and that you like it. We miss you around the house! It's so lonely and quiet without you, we loved just hearing and seeing you play around, we loved you flying and having the time of your life. We hope you have good friends and everyone is nice! We love you so much and take care of them for us! -> basket

Love Mom and Dad


I then look in the basket to see Pearl and Maui (Grian's cats IRL) I pick them up and give them a bear hug, they smelt clean and their fur was so soft, they would always keep me company so it was really great to have them back. "Hey boys! I've missed you so much!" I said to my cat meowing at me.

I sit them down and quickly undress and put my night clothes on such as a long shirt and shorts, I put the note and basket on the floor and get into bed with Pearl and Maui snuggling up to me. Maui then snuggled up to me on my chest and Pearl snuggled in my hair, I then remembered when me and Scar were snuggling and Scar's head was in my hair. I started to blush and closed my eyes covering my face of embarrassment, I got comfortable and slowing drifted off to sleep.


Hey pups! So sorry it took long I just didn't know what to put! Well I hope y'all who are reading like it and hope y'all are having a good day, LOVE YALL! Also love your new name Hearts4Dadian it's cute!

Bye pups! 1081 words

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