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Grian's POV 

It was the next day, I told Sis everything that happened and she comforted me as I kept thinking of how my best friend almost died. The first thing I did when I woke up was fly over to Timmy's coffee shop, when I got there Beth was hugging him, "thank cod Watcher saved you!" I heard Beth say as they broke out the hug.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to thank hi-" he cut himself off when he saw me death starring him with a tear threatening to fall from my eye, "oh.. hey Grian" He said as he gave me a comforting smile. He then spread out his arms and I ran as fast as I could towards him and gave him a bear hug, "your an idiot.." I said as he laughed a bit.

I giggled along with him and we broke out the hug, "I'm guessing you heard what happened to Jimmy?" Beth asked as I nodded. She gave me a hug and I hugged back, I decided since it was a Friday i'd skip school and hang out with Timmy and Beth. We all got some coffee and Timmy and Beth showed me how to make mine, it was simple and really fun to learn with them cause they kept making jokes which I couldn't stop laughing to.

Since no customers were coming in we all sat down at a booth and talked, until Timmy brought something. "So Grian, do you have a crush on someone?" Timmy asked as I stayed quiet and drank some of my coffee, "your being real quiet right now Grian, I see the way you look at Scar~" Beth said as I almost spit my coffee out. 

Timmy looked at Beth and Beth looked at Timmy, then both of them looked at me with a smirk, "soooo?" Beth said, "m-maybe" I said swallowing my coffee finally. "Is it Scarrrr~" she said again as I blushed pink, looked away, and nodded.

"I knew it!!" Beth said putting her hands up and smiling as Timmy saw a customer walk in. He looked at me and I looked back at him, he gave me a smile and walked over behind the counter to take the persons order. Beth put her hands down, "you picked the right choice, he's the kindest person I've met and I see how good he treats you. He's a good man" she said with a smile.

I nodded in agreement and blushed at the thought of him, I smiled to myself and Timmy called Beth over the take the other persons order that walked in after the one Timmy saw. I woke up about 7:35 so that gave me the time to think about Timmy, it is now 9:50 and I asked Timmy and Beth if I could help with their orders. They of course said yes but asked me to wait until the two people who already order got their drinks and left and/or sat down.

I waited about 5-10 minutes, they told me to wait so they could show me how to make every coffee, tea, Frappuccino, and etc. they had on their menu. It toke a while to get all of them right, so since not that many people were coming at this hour they flipped the open sign to the closed sign so I could have more time and not be stressed.

The thing they would do is, they would first show me where everything was, second show me the drink I needed to make with the recipe on the bottom. Third they would show me how much 'stuff' I had to put in the drink to make it perfect, and fourth to make it. They were really good at helping me too, when I would mess up I would be mad at myself but they would tell me to keep trying and so I did. And I got better at it.

Once I was finally finished with making all the drinks they gave me and thumbs up and hugged me saying good job, I just loved them. Bestest friends I could have, except for Cleo, Mumbo, and Scar of course. They then flipped the sign back over to open and about 5 minutes go by and Sis walks in with a concerned face.

"Oh my Cod! Where have you been!?" Sis says as I go outside of the counter and she hugs me. "I've been here making coffee!" I say proudly as she raps her wings around me, "what do you mean? This place has been closed for four hours, have you been making coffee for four hour!?" She said taking her wings off me and looking at me with a shocked face.

"FOUR HOURS?! I've been here for four hours?!" I yell looking back at Timmy and Beth nodding with smile drinking some coffee that I made while practicing. "Well at least you're okay cause you didn't answer my calls" Sis said as I remembered I left my communicator at our dorm, "oh! I'm sorry but my communicator is at the dorm and" I look back at Timmy and Beth, "I should probably go and get it?" I said as a question looking at them.

They nodded which gestured I could go and get my communicator, Sis said okay and that she was going to get a coffee. I walked out the coffee shop and flew back to my dorm to grab my communicator.

But right when I got there I heard a knock from my door, I firstly get my communicator from my bed to see that it has 27 messages unread from Scar. I started to guess Scar was at the door worried about me so I opened it, and I was right.

 I opened the door to see Scar out of breath and crouched down, he looks up at me relieved and hugs me as little blush creeps from my face as I hug back.


Hey pups! Sorry that this was all in Grian's POV but at least I got this chapter on time! I have school on August 7th just so you know if I talk anything about school. I hope you enjoyed this one and hope you having a good night or day. Love ya! And thank you to the many people who have put my book in your reading list and followed me!! It really really means a lot, thank you =]

Bye pups! 1066 words!

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