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Grian's POV

WHY IS HOTGUY PINNING ME TO A WALL!? I thought nervously, I was about to faint because of how close this man was to me, my wings were almost being crushed by the wall and me and him  were both just starring at each other. 

He eventually gets off of me fast and as soon as he does I punch him right in the stomach and straight back up to his nose, "why tf were you pinning me to a f_(#|=g wall!? You know you were a just crushing my wings on that dame wall!" I said furiously. 

When he looks back up at me, I saw a dark red blood trail coming from his nose with an angry and scared look at the same time. He started to stutter words saying , "I-I-I uh m-my, I'- I'm so-o-rry" which he also had a blushing face, which would be weird because I just punched him but- okay? I just in timed another hero coming right for me, I looked at the number one hero and said, "sorry! But my time is done here!" I said quickly when he looked up at me again as I flew into the obsidian sky.

I flew as fast as I could but the hero that was casing me caught up to my speed, when he was close enough for me, I quickly flew around him in circles so he wouldn't be able to see me from my speed for him just floating there. When he was looking the opposite way form the way I was spinning around him, I was faster than a lighting bolt hitting the ground,  I flew up and hid in the clouds, I wasn't that hidden but it was fine because the weird creeper looking half robot was still floating in the air spinning to see if he could catch a glimpse of me. (Which I wasn't there so it was funny seeing a hero just spinning in circles)

Scar's POV (sorry if Grian's was short but I ran out of ideas on him soooooo)

When the villain/Watcher person flew into the sky, my nose started bleeding faster because of how hard he punched me. I was quite surprised that he said sorry and I didn't mean to "chush" his wings on the wall, I was just trying to get him to say something but when I moving to talk to him he punched me!

But overall I should still say sorry to him, should I find him now or later to apologize, Scar, I asked myself out loud for some reason. 

"I was thinking about going back to Grian but-" (I catch my clock which says 1:25) i looked up in a shocked and sad face because I didn't want to upset Grian by waking him up because he can be a grumpy little bird if you wake him up TO early. So I just decided to text Doc and see if he was still chasing after "watcher" because if he wasn't I would tell him that I was going to go back to my dorm, but if he says yes I will ask what his coordinates were so I could try and help him.

He didn't text back until he called me on FaceTime, which was weird because he usually didn't but I was thinking that he is looking at the villain wanted to show me. To my VERY mindful surprise was the watcher, he had the widest grin and calmest eyes that I had ever seen, which in the background looked like he was in a much of clouds.

"Helloooooo, Hotguy~" he said to me, I instantly felt a bright red blush coming onto my face. But since I am Hotguy I had to act flirty not shy how I am, with the little bird which I was fine with me, and  I started to say, " yes, my little birdy~", he gave me a look of surprise and also had, I'm guessing, a blushing face because I saw some red stuff on his face. 

"Since I am a(n) amazing stealer I stool your friends communicator without him even noticing, and now I am in the clouds hiding in a quite obvious stop with this dude spinning because I was doing circles around him so fast!" He started with a laugh, which I thought was quite cute and kind of reminded me of Grian.

"Uhm, well since my nose has finally stopped bleeding because of yo-" I got cut off by him saying, "well you should watch what your doing because my wings still hurt and that is why your friend was almost able to catch me.

"WELL SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO, I just wanted to ask you a question when I let go of you and I only reason I was pinning you to the wall was so you couldn't fly away and I could catch you!" I yelled at him. Which it looked like he was in a dream because he was looking at something i couldn't see but I was guessing something was coming towards him...


Read if you want

Hey it's piper or just DNAwolf and I know it seems short (to me) and that is only because I am super tired and I keep accidentally falling asleep rn and at my school! It is 12:00a.m. Right now so I better get going! Hope you have a great day and night! 

Love ya PUPS 905 words!

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