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Grian's POV 

Scar opens his locker and pulls out the note I saw the girl put in, "hey Scar, I wanted to say that I really really like you and I just wanted to tell you because well since it's getting close to Valentine's Day, can I be your valentines? Yes or no.." Scar said with zero blush or any affection on his face.

"Well..?" I ask with a little hurt in my voice, "wait- is it February?!" He said looking surprised, "well yeah, how in Iren didn't you know?!" I say giggling and smiling at Scar's silliness. I paused for a second and looked at Scar, he was just looking at me and smiling like he does sometimes. It was cute..

"Scar?" I say putting my hand on his cheek, he blushes immediately, "um y-yeah Grian.?" He said trying to smile. "Are you o-okay?" I cheeks then grow red because of Scar now leaning on my hand, "yeah.. and thank you." He said in which I got confused.

"W-why are you thanking me?" I ask, "well for being there for me and just being you.." he said putting his hand on mine and rubbed his thumb against it, "oh! Well um th-thank you, for well everything you've done for me!" I said with a warm smile.

He started smiling at me again and putting his face more into my hand, I'm still blushing but still have my warm smile. "Well? Are you going to answer your girlfriend~" I said move it my hand and trying not to sound hurt again from thinking of him with another person, "What!? W-what are you t-talking about?!" He yelled out.

"The girl who wrote you the letter?" I said now putting my hands on my hips, "she is not my girlfriend, I don't even know who wrote it!" He said looking away from me and turning to his locker.

"Fine but we better hurry to our next class cause it's 9:50 and we got to be in our next class at 10:00." I said as I started to walk to my class with Scar following behind, "okay..." he said sounding a bit down.

I turn around to look at him, "you ok?" I ask, "yeah but she isn't my gir-" I run into someone making me cut off Scar, "oh! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" I said turning back to see Miss Brown.

Scar's POV

"Well well Grian" she said looking a BIT angry, "he just should've left you there so I could kill you" I heard Grian say very softly but I could hear, I was confused but just shrugged it off.

"What." He said to her, "just shut up, watch where your going, and watch your f_(#ing attitude young man" she said in a rude manner, "good thing is that we're going that way but your fat A$$ is in our way" Grian said walking passed her.

I look at miss Brown and turn back to Grian and run after him, "dang Grian!" I said with a laugh, "what??" He asked turning to be still walking bewares, "you just back talked my teacher!". "No I bit(h talked her, there's a difference" he said turning back around to see in front of him.

I looked at the time which was 9:57, "Grian how far is your class?" I ask, "no that far why?" He answered, "because it's 9:58-" he cut me off, "What!? Sorry Scar mine is actually a little away, See you in a little!" He said while now running off.

"Bye" I say walking to mine because mine was around to corner, beautiful.. he's just so cute... I thought as I walked to take my seat. I loved the way his eyes sparkled, I loved how bright his wings were, I loved how short he was, I loved the kindness and craziness in his heart, and everything and anything else.

He's just an amazing person, I then take my seat and wait for the bell to ring.


I heard as I started to get my things out my bag, I set them on the table and our teacher walks in. "Hello class, a teacher isn't here today and they don't have a sub so they're going to stay in this class until this block is over." The teacher said.

More peop- I cut myself off from thinking because I saw Grian walk in, I wave at him and he comes to sit by me. The other people were three random boys and two girls but only one looked familiar, "hey Grian!" I whisper yelled growing blush on my face, "hey Scar!" He said smiling as cute as ever.

"So, where's your teacher?" I ask, "idk BUT you still didn't answer to your girlfriend~" he said making almost all my blush go away. "She isn't!" I say back looking away with a dramatic face, "sureeeeeee" he said laughing at me.

Grian's POV 

It was end of Scar's class I was in, we walked out to get lunch because it's the lunch hour. "So whatcha wanna eat?" I ask walking out the school to find anything else better than school food, "idk, whatever really" he said walking behind me.

I pause and look in the air to see the icy blue sky and cotton clouds and feeling the breeze on my wings felt amazing, I then let out a sigh.

"What a beautiful day.. to not have school!" I said dramatically because I didn't want to go back to school when we got done eating, he let out a little giggling with some blush on his face. "You're so dramatic" he said with a smile, "and you aren't?" I say having a smirk on my face.

"We both are to be honest" I said walking up to him, "yep, you're right on that" he said closing eyes with another giggling. "Should we have waffles or something?" I ask, "sure that sounds good" he said opening his eyes and looking at me.

The place we were going was about 20 minutes away and our next class started in 1 hour because of lunch, it's now 12:00 and I didn't want to walk, "Scar?" I said turning to him with a baby parrots eyes, "can you maybe, pick me up again?" I asked hoping he'd say yes.

"Really?" He said while blushing, "fineeeeee" he said with a smile. He picked me up, my arms around his neck, my legs around his torso, and head on his shoulder. I blushed like crazy but I loved his touch and how careful he is.


Hey pups! Sorry I didn't post in two days I think! I had state test but finally finished them, I hope you liked it and hope y'all have a good day or night. Thank you so much and love y'all!

Bye pups! 1116 words!

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