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Grian's POV

Omg, what just happened!? I thought while still flying in the night sky, I decided to Mumbo's dorm because he knew I was watcher and I feel like he would get my mind off of those things more than Timmy would.

When I got to his dorm I didn't realize the time like I always do which was 12 something, but surprisingly Mumbo opened the door. "Why in the world are up at this time??" He said tiredly letting me in, "what do you mean? Isn't it like 9 or something?" I questioned. He looked at me like I was a crazy person, "dude, how do you think it's 9!? It's literally 12:40 a.m.!" He said putting both of his hands on his head.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh... sorry!" I said apologizing over and over again, I was sitting on his bed and I didn't want to tell him what happened but he did start to look at me curiously. " what did you do now? Did you blow up something again,  did you have a date, did you kiss a bo-" I cut him off, " what the he// NO!" I yelled at him, "sure sure, whatever you say" he said with a smirk.

I started to get up and leave with a dramatic exit but he stopped me, "you aren't leaving unless you tell me with you did because you wouldn't be up unless you did something as watcher." He said grabbing my hand, "well it wasn't me it was hi-" Mumbo cut me off, "oh so their is a him~"

I started to blush a warm color of red and pink, "noooooo... I don't know what you are talking about" I mumbled looking away from him, "yeah mister wEl iT wAsN't Me It WaS hIm" he said with quotes, which made me blush a little more.

"Ok... I might have flipped Hotguy off-" Mumbo cut me off, "wait you flipped the number one hero off!?" He said surprised but laughed, yes I did and I don't regret it, now shut up so I can continue my story!" I said and began my story again, "but then he disappeared and so I went to the HHQ (hero's headquarters) to find him. Then when I got there I said, where the f_(# he was which caused him to laugh, in which I flipped him off again."

"Dude w-why are you j-just flipping him off!?" He said while laughing, "well dUdE if you don't shut up I can tell the rest of my story, thank you very much -_-" I said at him to make him stop laughing.

"So then I flew up in the sky, not that fast and a second later Hotguy grips my suit (which I changed out of so Mumbo wouldn't be suspicious but here we are now) and pulls me down to his chest. He wouldn't let go so I, um well, I put my legs around him so I could punch him but... um he put his hand on my a-a$$ and that zoned me out until he started to float down.

"Then when we got to the ground,I jumped out of his arms and punched him and yelled at him for touching/holding my a$$, so yeah.." I said putting one of my hands behind my head.

"Oh I am going to kill hi-" Mumbo started but I cut him off assuring him that he apologized for it, since I told him what I did I got to go back to my dorm but then saw Hotguy walking to Scar's dorm.

Scar's POV (after he got back from HHQ)

"Why the f_(# are you going to Scar's room" someone said making me jump a little from their voice, "oh my goodness you startled me Gri- um person.. what are you doing awake?" I asked, which Grian had a mad and confused face, I think because I didn't answer his question.

"Did you not hear me or something? I said why are you heading to Scar's room and 2nd how do you know my name?" He said crossing his arms with the mad and confused face he had. "I wasn't heading to this Scar's person's room I was just, um, looking around because this is a big high school and I don't, uh, know your name." I said trying to keep my cool in front of my winged friend.

"Sure sure, but if you try anything I got my eye on you" he said making himself intimidating by puffing his wings up like "watcher" did, I didn't even realize that I was staring at his wings and birds well I guess half birds don't really like people looking or definitively touching there wings, but Grian was a little different from the "looking" part, he loves people looking at his wings.

He then walks up to me and slides his wing on my neck which made me freeze from his sudden movement and from how SOFT his wing was, it gave me the chills and I blushed a lot and I think Grian felt my chills, "you like my wings~?" He said with a smirk. "U-uh... I-I um I n-no..." I said blushing like crazy now.

Omgomgomgomg what is happening!? why-what- what is he doing!? H-he would n-never do this! I thought while still processing what was going on, "well I'm gonna go to my dorm now, don't get any ideas okay?" He said still smirking, which made me look away from him still blushing like crazy. He started to softly laugh which I've always loved his little laughs, he started to run to his dorm and I went into mine quickly so if he looked back he wouldn't know where I went.

When I got inside I slammed the door but not loud enough for Grian to hear, I ran over to my bed and found a pillow to scream into. I then flipped over and lad down thinking of Grian and how soft his beautiful amazing wings he had were, I wished that I knew why you couldn't touch birds wings because of how soft the were!

Grian's POV

Omgomgomgomg why did I just do that!? But it felt so good~ wait no! No no it didn't I thought making me blush a lot more from when I was rubbing my wing against Hotguy's neck. 

Birds wings are (sexually) not to be touched, but only from the person that has them but that meant like preening not stroking/petting them or anything like that. When I got to my dorm I was so tired after what all happened today and if I went to sleep I could probably forget about it so I quickly got changed into PJs or a very long shirt that Scar gave me and some shorts that I found lying around.

I got into my bed and started to drift off to sleep...


Hey pups I hope this makes it up for me not posing for the whole DAY! I hope y'all had a great night sleep in my case but in your case have a great day or night whatever is which and I just wanted to say that I love y'all! I already have so many people who are reading this and just thank you very much! It's 11:41 p.m. and I was supposed to go to bed at 9:30 because I have to go to school tomorrow (please spare me 😅) if I'm bored or if I can't sleep I might make another one!

BYE PUPS! 1239 words! Knew record!

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