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"Danielle hurry up! We have to make a good impression to our new professors!" Hanni shouted at me from behind the door. "Yes I know! I'm already done!" I roll my eyes at the midget rushing me.

I open my bedroom door and see Hanni glancing at her invisible watch. I smile mockingly at her and head to the front door, while grabbing my car keys from my pocket.  "Let's go hanni!" I smile and she rolls her eyes, "Finally! Does it really take you 2 hours to do your makeup?!" Hanni shakes her head. "Yes! Obviously!" I roll my eyes and pinch her arm.

"If we make a bad impression I am moving back to Australia and leaving you here alone." Hanni says and I chuckle at her response.


I drive up the the huge gate of the university hanni and I will attend. It slowly opens, it doesn't even creek..wow!

Driving up and parking in the nearest parking spot to the school, hanni and I take in the scenery of this humongous university. "Danielle this is bigger than I thought?! What if we get lost?! What if we can't find our classes!?" Hanni panics. "Well then we ask around!" I smile and hanni nods.

We walk up to the front door and we are greeted with the front lady, "Who are you?" She asks us. "We are new students, transfers from Australia." I say and the lady nods, searching for something in her files. "Names?" She asks us. "Danielle Marsh, and Hanni Pham." I say because hanni is too nervous to talk to the lady.

With a few more types of her fingers on the keyboard the lady smiles, "Found you guys! You can go ahead and head to room 143! Your professor should be there!" The lady smiles and we nod and utter a small thank you.

"Um...where's room 143?" I ask more to myself than hanni. "Um?" Hanni says. "Um.." I also say.


"Excuse me?!" I pant out as I make eye contact with a tall girl in the hallway. "Yes?" She raises an eyebrow. "Where is room 143?!" I ask while trying to catch my breath. "Oh...it's over there!" The girl points at a door right behind us. "WHAT? HANNI HOW DID WE NOT SEE THAT?!" I Shout at Hanni. "Bitch! I don't have my glasses on! And these contacts suck! Leave me alone!" Hanni pouts.

We walk into the door and meet our professor. We immediately bow to show our respect for the elderly woman before us. "Hello my name is Danielle Marsh and that's hanni Pham!" I greet. "Hello girls, I will be your professor, Mrs. Lee Siyeon for the entire school year along with your tour guide for today! I will show you guys to your dorms!" Mrs. Lee Siyeon says and we follow her out the door.

"Will we be roommates?" Hanni asks to Mrs. Lee. She chuckles lightly, "No girls. You both have roommates set for the rest of the school year!" She smiles at us as if we would be happy. Hanni and I stop moving and stand there, looking at each other with our mouths gaped open. "What?! We don't know any of these people! What if they are bad?!" I say and the professor chuckles once again.

"You can always report them to me or another higher administrator." She says and stops in front of a door. "Hanni Pham this is your dorm. Your roommate is Kang Haerin, she is one of the class presidents here, very friendly and quiet. You'll be fine." The professor knocks on the door and a girl with dark brown hair opens it.

"Kang Haerin, this is your roommate, hanni Pham! Please make her feel at home." Mrs. Lee flashes Haerin a smile who shows a warm smile back. "Hello hanni, I'm Haerin." She holds out her hand and hanni nervously wipes her hand on her jacket before shaking haerin's hand. "I'll make you feel just at home!" Haerin smiles at Hanni and hanni glances at me and mouths 'Ill text you later!' before disappearing into her new dorm.

"I hope my roommate is like her..." I whisper to myself at the thought of that cat eyed girl.

"Ms. Marsh this is your room!" Mrs. Lee says as we stand in front of a door that is not too far away from Hanni's room, at least I'll be able to walk to her when I need to. Mrs. Lee knocks on the door lightly and you here shuffling from inside the room. "Who the hell is it?!" Someone shouts from the other side of the door. "Ms. Kim that is no way to talk to an administrator!" Mrs. Lee says. You hear whispers of curse words and footsteps heading to the door.

A tall black haired girl opens the front door aggressively. She puts on a fake smile as she looks at Mrs. Lee. "Kim Minji this is your roommate, Danielle Marsh! Please take care of her! Shes new!" Mrs. Lee says through gritted teeth. I glance at the new face in front of me. Shes pretty I'll admit that, plump lips, long black hair, a sharp jawline and nose, her smirk...her smirk?

"Why hello...Danielle Marsh." She says with a smirk on her face as she steps closer to me. Our chests nearly touching as she trails her hand down my shoulder. I back away slightly from her touch, "Um...hi?" I frown, why is she being so touchy so soon-

"Minji...treat her well...come to my office if you need anything!" Mrs. Lee flashes me a smile before disappearing down the hall.

"I'll definitely treat you well." Minji smirks at me as she pulls me into our room. My legs hit the back of the couch, making me fall onto it as minji pushed me down harder. She straddled my waist, her legs on either side of mine. "What are you doing?!" I raise my voice and she smirks. "I want you." She says leaning into kiss me. I slap her across the face.

She holds her wounded cheek, caressing it with her hand. "What the FUCK-" I say and push her off of me. She stumbles and falls onto her butt. "OW!" She rolls her eyes. "OW? Bitch you nearly raped me!" I scream at her and she chuckles. "It was nearly just kissing your being dramatic!" She rolls her eyes again. "AND I didn't want your kiss!" I roll my eyes now. "You'll want it eventually because I want you." She smirks at me.

"Whatever where is my room?" I roll my eyes. She points to the door on the right. I walk into the room and immediately scream along with another girl who was in the bed. "Oh sorry..." Minji sarcastically says and I narrow my eyes at her, giving her a glare before going to the correct room.

"Don't be jealous sweetie!" Minji yells at me. I turn around and give her my middle finger before shutting my door.

So much for having a roommate like Kang Haerin-

Minji a fuck girl :(

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