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                                   HIS NIQABI GIRL


"Sister Elham, will you please help me with my homework?" Yusra asked, standing by my bedroom's door.

I smiled at her. "Of course love. Come here"

This had become a tradition, doing her homework together on Sundays. I guess it was our way of bonding. Yasir however, was a mummy's boy so he only came to me when he wanted some candy or to go to the park. Me being the older sister, of course I spoiled them by giving them everything they asked for. As long as I could afford it.

Once we were done, I handed her some cookies before she left.

I set out the table for dinner and my parents took their seats immediately.

The table was quiet. My dad and I weren't the closest, but we definitely had a healthy relationship now.

He cleared his throat and began to speak.
"So, I hear you've been trying out for jobs Elham. You finally want to start working now, is it?"

"Yes, I've applied to a few places"

"And? Have you gotten a feedback from any?"

I shook my head. "Not yet"

He took his time chew the steak he had bitten properly, and swallowed before he continued speaking.

"Well, I spoke to a friend and there was a vacancy in the marketing department of his company. How does that sound?"

"Great? So do I send in an application letter or.." he cut me off before I could complete my statement.

"No, not at all" he waved it off.
"You don't have to do any of that. All you have to do is show up" he continued.

"Okay.." I said reluctantly.

"Like I said, he's a friend. We do favors like these for each other all the time. This is why you should take networking really serious" he stated.

It felt wrong, and I felt undeserving. What if I wasn't capable of doing the job?
At the same time, I needed the job, to keep myself busy.

"Alright, so when do I start?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow. I'll text you the address and inform him about your coming"

"Alright, thanks dad"

I noticed Ummi was grinning ear to ear.

"I see you're excited Ummi" I said to her.

"Of course. Also, you'd better not be late on your first day" she shot me a glare.

My mother knew me too well because there I was, sprinting towards the tall office building as though I wasn't already about forty minutes late.

Once I stepped into the reception, I paused to catch my breath.
There were a few people hanging around, staring at me weirdly. I cleared my throat and fixed my clothing.

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