bending, she picked him up, gave him some pats and kisses before putting him down.

instantly, boo-boo chirped and ran off to his bowl where food was already placed down for him.

minutes later, dante walked through the hall and sat down at the head of the table, giving a nod to grace who handed him the plate of food.

"ugh, i see boo's fur," dante grumbled at the plate and that made el giggle. "souvenir,"

his eyes rolled and he swept it away before he picked up his fork to begin to eat.

with big doe eyes, el shuffled towards mike who was currently sat up against her headboard whilst scrolling through his phone.

"yes?" he asked without glancing at her, though a grin never left his lips.

even through the corner of his eye, he could see how adorable she was.


he reached a hand out and wrapped it around her shoulder, pulling her in close. "you know what this reminds me of?"

her head shook from side to side.

"when you used to come into my room... all day everyday. you kept saying i was too lonely. too isolated."

her brows dipped. "because you were." she remarked. "you hid in your room everyday,"

"i didn't like people? i liked how you snuck in though... so secretive before you would slip under the covers and nuzzle into me like this,"

that made her smile warmly and lean even closer.

"i missed this, el. i wish i remembered sooner,"

her head shook and she ducked under his arms to hug onto his torso, placing her chin on his chest. "i will stay like this everyday. with you. i love you, mike, with every fiber in my body, i will love you. when you hide in your room, i will come find you so you're not alone."

tears welled and he nodded before kissing her forehead three times. "i love you too, little devil,"

her eyes twinkled and she crawled upwards. "when you first called me that after we met again, i had hope you would remember us again. you didn't even notice you called me that. but i remembered, mike. i remember when you called me that after i made trouble in the hospital. when i got punished practically everyday." she gently tapped his nose and smiled from ear to ear. "i think deep down, you did too,"

"maybe i did, el. you did become fun to be around,"

"really!?" she exclaimed happily and grabbed his face. "i'm a fun dolly!"

he inched forward to kiss her reddened button nose. "you are,"

her excitement died down a little and then she whispered. "i want to ask you something,"

his head tilted at her sudden tone. "go on,"

"when you found out... about what i do... you seemed very— i don't know... you were disappointed in me, i guess. why aren't you now? or are you still and you aren't telling me? i rather you tell me, mike. i am going to stop for a bit... take a break—"

"i'm not disappointed in you. i understand where you're coming from. they would have never have been caught. they escape the law. they never get punished for their sins."

she examined his expression and then quietly murmured. "your father,"

"and not just him. the people i worked for. i've been lied to. stepped on. they don't get punished whilst we get hurt, el,"

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