☆ Our story ☆

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From previous chapter :

The room was filled with laugh and joy.

I enjoyed this moment like it was my last, because that was what life taught me.

But things went pretty well.
And I was willing to do my best for everything to stay like that.

°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚

-Time skip-
-7 weeks later-

To be honest, I just went back on my Spider Woman job, but since I was without a dimension, I kind of became a wanderer.

That was how people in HQ called me.

Wanderer, or Spider Wanderer.
Meh, I didn't complain.

I helped everyone in their universe, and not only my friends. I kind of became special in HQ.

If someone in the Spider Society needed to get replaced for a day or more, I would come to their world and patrol for them.

I went from a Spider without an earth, to a Spider Woman for every single earth.

And I loved this.

I still had my flat in Earth-928, Miguel's dimension, but I often stayed at Hobie's place.

So yeah, we finished Harry Potter pretty quickly with Brooke.

She even cried at the end because she was sad that it was over.

To be honest, I didn't really have to care about money or obligation.. I was "free".

So I often crashed at my friends places, when I was invited to of course.

I got to hang out with Miles parents, and they looked like they loved me !

But some days, things were hard.

I often canceled plans because I didn't feel well.
I still had nightmares every night, and I cried almost every day.

I thought about my parents all the time, I missed their laugh, and their presence around me.

I never thought I would have to be without them at such a young age. I was just 20..

But I wanted to keep on. To try to be happy again, because I knew that it was what they wanted for me.

I wanted to make them proud, wherever they were. So I tried my best.

I was pretty instable emotionally because of losing my parents, so maybe it was hard for my loved ones.

But I was honest with them and told them my feelings, so they wouldn't get hurt by my weird behavior.

Besides that, I was doing pretty good..

Sometimes, Hobie and I would babysit Mayday. He was doing so good with kids !

Hobie was very entertaining, and always had ideas to make her having fun.

☆ Both outsiders ☆ Hobie Brown x Reader ☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang