☆ New mission ☆

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From previous chapter :

I slowly fell asleep, my body being so close to him, and my heart feeling so warm.

But I was not ready for what was going to happen the next morning.

°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚°+ 。゚ ♡ +゚・。 ♡ ゚゚

I gently woke up in Hobie's arms. I lifted my head slightly up and opened my eyes.

I suddenly remembered that I had to meet Miguel, so I checked my phone. It was 9:30.

Feeling my body moving, Hobie woke up too, looking like a mess. He REALLY wasn't a morning person..

We both woke up, cuddling a bit but I explained that I really had to get ready.

So I dressed up and put my Spider suit under my clothes, ate some breakfast and gave cat food to those stray cats.

Then, Brooke came on to balcony too and gave us a sassy look.

Yeah, I just remembered she heard us yesterday..

Gosh I felt so embarrassed. But Hobie chuckled nonchalantly, and she chuckled back. None of them cared, which made me losen up a little bit.

I quickly packed my stuff, but I let my bass in Hobie's world because I didn't have time to go back in my dimension.

"Can you bring back my bass to my bedroom please ?" I asked Hobie as I put my shoes on.

"Actually, can I play with it a bit ? Then I'll put it back where it belongs, don't worry."
He replied with a grin.

I chuckled, nodded and put my backpack on.

I was ready to go. I kinda got ready in a rush and felt bad that I couldn't hang out more with Hobie and his sister.

Suddenly, Miguel called me on my watch as I was almost leaving.

"Y/n ! Where are you ??"
He asked, looking a bit angry.
Then he noticed Hobie.

"Oh.. Alright. Just come. Right now."
He said, lowering his tone.

And he hang up without even letting me answer. Hobie and I giggled.

I said goodbye to Brooke, and she told me that she was so glad to meet me. She was so kind, and I really hoped that I would hang out with her again.

Then, I also said my goodbyes to Hobie. He gently kissed me, and softly grabbed my waist to pull me closer.

I smiled through his lips and pulled back from the kiss by rubbing my nose against his.

As we were in his bedroom, I opened a portal on my watch, and waved at Hobie.

"Text me, pretty punk."
I told him with a wink.

"You wish." He replied with a chuckle and a mischievous grin.

"Oh believe me, you will."
I said with the same sassy smirk.

☆ Both outsiders ☆ Hobie Brown x Reader ☆Where stories live. Discover now