"You know Hope what you did really hurt her" Maya stated.

"You don't think I know that!" Hope yelled "I'm doing my best to protect her to make sure she doesn't end up like her dad"

"And in doing so you're hurting her" Clarke commented "Look we aren't saying we don't understand because we do, but why do you have to sacrifice your happiness just because of a man that hates you" 

When Hope was about to answer she got a text from a number that read Black Widow. I don't remember having this number. The person told Hope to meet them in the ten minutes that they have a lot to talk about.

"I have to go" Hope told them but then turned to MG "Hey tell Kaleb to stop trying to be a hero looks like he'll listen to you more than me"

"What do you mean I thought he stopped that day?" MG asked.

"I guess he doesn't tell you things either" Hope told him kinda throwing shade at him. She didn't mean to but with all that's been going on she's been stressed.

"What that supposed to me?" MG asked accusingly.

"Hey guys guess what I found" Ethan said came out of nowhere with a cat "Isn't it cute"

"I'm leaving" Hope said then turned to Ethan "Get rid of that" she the slammed the door.

"What's up with her?" Ethan asked.


Spiderwoman swung to the meeting place but when she got there no one was there yet her spidey sense was tell her was telling her someone well more than someone was there. She was walking very carefully when suddenly she felt something swing at her from the back. Spiderwoman dodged it and webbed them. It was then she realised it felt so similar. This is exactly the resources that Mr. Hawkins have.

"Invisible suits really" Spiderwoman said "Not very effective against spider sense. I'm sure you're wondering why it's called that well it's-"

"See what I told you she talks a lot" Black Widow said removing the invisibility and so did everyone.

Oh my fucking gosh the avengers are here right now the boys are going to be pissed when they hear about this.

"I'm might pee my pants" Spiderwoman blurts out.

"Dear god" Natasha commented.

"I can't with this kid" Iron man said.

"You know a heads up would have been nice" Spiderwoman told Black Widow taking off her mask.

"Well didn't think you'd say that" Black Widow said.

"I was under pressure and the air is tense" Hope told her. 

"You know if you need a bathroom there's one right around the corner" Captain America said.

"Nope I'm good" Hope said.

"Good cause you're coming with us Maria mask her" Fury said. Wait that's fucking Fury also what did he say? Then every thing was black.


Hope head was ringing when she woke up in a room she didn't recognized. She groaned when she woke up and the lights weren't helping.

"Great you're awake" a familiar said. 

"Natasha was this necessary and how the hell did you sneak up on me?"

"That was me just so you know your senses only work when they sense ill intent so I just had to have none" Maria said.

"Thanks" Hope winced then turned to Natasha "You're girlfriend is cool"

"She's not my- you know what let's get ready" Natasha told her while Hope swore she saw a blush on Maria's face.

Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now