Avenger's Tower

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When Hope dragged herself downstairs she was blessed with the smell of pancakes. Hope sat down and grabbed a plate eating the amazing pancakes. Though even though Hope tried to put on this happy face Rebekah knew something was up.

"Hey are you okay?" Rebekah asked giving her more pancakes considering Hope eats like animal "You've been tired lately is this about Josie?"

Yes and no it's also the fact that I have been having nightmare's about a certain police officer dead face. Every time I close my eyes I see the face hear the voice. I don't know how much I can take. Plus with Josie I just fell weighed down.

"Yeah, but's nothing I can't handle" Hope lied "Thanks for the pancakes"

"No problem" Rebekah said and then it was silent before she decided to speak "Are you holding up okay? You know you can tell me anything"

Hope sighed.

"I messed up with Josie. I'm scared that she'll end up getting hurt just like Uncle Marcel, Uncle Elijha, and my parents" Mr. Saltzman.

"What happened to them isn't your fault"

"But it is!" Hope shouts then calmed down "Sorry I have to go"

I know everyone keeps telling me it wasn't my fault but the truth is that it is. It's because of me that my parents are dead, it's because of me that uncle Marcel and Uncle Elijah are dead, and it's because of me Mr. Saltzman is dead. All those death have one thing on common me, so how the hell isn't it my fault?

Spiderwoman was swinging around the town when she saw a bunch of thieves running and someone chasing them. Hope knew that person anywhere. What the hell is he doing here? Spiderwoman webbed the criminals and flipped in-front of Kaleb.

"Nice costume" Spiderwoman told him.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Kaleb angrily asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing. What the hell are you thinking going solo?"

Kaleb scoffed.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do!?"

"I am trying to protect you!"

"PROTECT ME!!! Like you protected Mr. Saltzman and Mr. Otto"

All you bring is trouble

Stay the hell away from Josie

"That's not fair" Spiderwoman told him.

"Life isn't fair especially to criminals. So stay the hell away from me okay" He told her then left leaving her all alone with her thoughts.

Like I said it's all my fault.

Hope went to the hideout where she saw Clarke and MG wrestling while Maggie and Maya where on the couch watching shadow hunters.

"Hey" Hope made her presence know going to the computer to look for something to do.

"Been a while" Clarke stated stopping their match with MG.

"Have been busy" Hope said then going back to the computer "Have there been any reports?"

"Nope" MG answered "You know Josie asked for you"

"She did!?" Hope quickly asked then coughed "I mean she did"

"Yeah" MG chuckled.

"How is she?" Hope asked. Deep down she knows she has no right to ask but she can't help it all she thinks about is Josie and how she is doing.

"She's fine and misses you a lot" MG told her.

"Yeah all she talks about is you when she comes over" Maggie said going to the kitchen to get some popcorn.

Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now