The Breakup

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"She deserves better than you"
"You only bring trouble"
"Stay the hell away from her"

His voice keeps on ringing in Hope's head. She kept on seeing the blast over and over again as his eyes dulled and as he said his last words "Stay the hell away from her"

Today was the funeral of the man she couldn't save. She has been MIA for three days and her phone has been ringing non stop. She knew that they could track her but decided to give her space. Though she couldn't do it, she couldn't face Josie. It was her fault her father died. She couldn't get there in time, but it was more than that. She had to do it. She had to end things with Josie. Her father was right about her; all she brings is trouble.

"Have you seen Hope?" Josie asked Clarke.

"No she's still MIA" Clarke answered "We can track her again"

"No it's fine" Josie sighed then Lizzie came in.

"Eh, guys if you're looking for Hope she's outside" Lizzie spoke.

"Wait really" Clarke said and Josie ran outside to check when she saw Hope she rushed to hug her.

"Hope thank god you are okay?" Josie cried "Where the heck were you? I was worried you disappeared for three days''

"Yeah I'm fine I just had to clear my head that's all" Hope said.

"Okay well let's go inside, need to sit down" Josie softly grabs her arm but Hope pulls away "Stay the hell away from her." "What's the problem"

"I can't do this anymore," Hope blurts out.

"What?" Josie asked. "Stay the hell away from her"

"I'm sorry Josie but we can't do this I can't be with you" Hope finished.

"Wait, you're breaking up with me?" Josie asked and Hope nodded and took a step closer but Josie backed away " You're doing it today of all days, Hope really?"

"I'm really sorry Josie but it's for your own good" Hope said, swinging away leaving Josie a very confused Josie trying so hard not to let the tears fall.

"So, what happened with the wife?" Clarke asked coming out of nowhere and that's when tears flowed down Josie's cheeks.

"Well for one the wife and I just had a divorce. She broke up with me" Joise cried as she went upstairs leaving a confused Clarke.

"She what!" Clarke shouts.

Hope is trying so hard to forget about the stupid decision she made. She was trying to erase the name Josie from her memory but it was easier said than done. Josie was like a virus; she couldn't find the cure. When she got to the hideout she was met with a very angry Clarke and MG.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Clarke shouts at her I really don't need this.

"Yeah Hope that wasn't cool, especially at her dad's funeral" MG spoke.

"That's why I did it, okay I'm trying to protect her" Hope told them.

"You're doing her more bad than good," Clarke said.

"Do you still love her?" MG asked.

"Yes, I will always love her, she's everything to me that's why I don't want to bury her," Hope told them.

"It's one thing to break up with her because you lost feelings but it's another thing to do it because someone told you too" MG said.

"Who said someone told me to do it?" Hope asked, confused on how they know.

"After her father died you went off the grid then suddenly you broke up and hated the relationship. He probably said something happened between you two since it's not a surprise that he hates the relationship. I suggest he said something, but if both of you love each other why should you listen to him" Clarke told her.

"You don't get it all I bring is death okay Josie is better off" Hope explained.

"That's not for you to decide," MG angrily told her. Why can't they understand why I'm doing this?

"Is there any mission or job for me to do?" Hope asked, wanting to end the conversation.

"No," MG told her.

"Okay I have an errand to run" Hope told them leaving "Call me for any real emergency"

"Try not to break anyone's heart on the way" Clarke told her

"Fuck you!" Hope shouts at them shutting the door.


Spiderwoman went towards the Hawkin's house. I need to take my mind off Josie. Maybe this will help. I will tell him who I am, that I'm spiderwoman, the whole truth.I just need a distraction. Spiderwoman tapped on his window and when he saw her his face turned cold like ice. He then opened the window for her and let her climb in.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Kaleb asked, not bothering to whisper.

"Look, we need to talk," Spiderwoman told him.

"Yes we do, how could you do that?" Kaleb questioned.

"Do what?" Spiderwoman asked.

"So you want to play that game, okay well I know that you framed Mr. Otto, and actually set the bomb that killed Mr. Saltzman" Kaleb accused.

"What no.. who told you that?" Hope asked, already knowing the answer.

"My dad," Kaleb answered. Of course he did that bitch.

"That's not true okay I know it's hard to believe that your father's a criminal but he is and there's nothing you can do about it" Spiderwoman told him.

"I do you! I trusted you and fought with you but you are a monster all you do is bring destruction and you're going to be dragging everyone with you" Kaleb said to her. "Stay the hell away from her"

Spiderwoman quickly rushed out of the house and swung away. Hope went to her room and removed her mask trying so desperately to breathe. The person she wanted to call the most, to talk to, and to hear her voice wasn't here. She couldn't stop herself from picking the phone and calling the number. Would she even pick up

"Hello" Joise's voice spoke from the phone and it just made Hope weep more. "Hey Hope, are you okay? Talk to me tell me you're fine"

Hope couldn't say a word so she kept on crying as Josie's sweet voice kept on reassuring her that everything was going to be okay and even though she wanted to believe it she couldn't cause deep down she knew that everything wasn't okay.

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