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Filthy...absolutely full of disgrace. Such disgusting beings dare touch her savior? The hooded figure sat down in front of a throne and stared upon it with a downcast face. "My dear monarch..why have you left me?" They barely whispered. "Forget me not, for I will return to you...Y/N"

The figure took off their hoodie, allowing their hair flow out. Sustain swirled in their eyes at the thought of being separated by their beloved again.

Standing up to their full height they looked at direction of the throne again, yet instead of looking directly at it the figure looked above it which held a portrait. Heels echoed out in the large room courtesy to every step they took.

Pink hair flowing behind them with grace and authority. Gem like eyes stared back at the figure from the portrait. "Oh how I long to be reunited with you my dear.." they exhaled with a shaky breath just by past thoughts.

"Vamiri! Hurry up!" A girl in a short white dress said to the pink haired girl across from her. She was pure, and ethereal to the pink haired child. Although she was from a different clan of social standing she still showed her kindness. Always coming out to their secret spot to meet her.

This went on for years and eventually the young pink haired girl who eventually grew into a fine young woman had fell in love. She was the same hand that offered the young girl a sanctuary, kindness that made her feel normal for once. Her clan was just below hers and they were meant to be kept from one another.

The two young girls seemed freedom from the cages they called home, they wished to find peace within a place full of dreams. So for this very reason, they ran away together hand in hand. Off into the night and went on numerous adventures together.

They built a kingdom of their own from the ground and gained new acquaintances and friends. And the young girl with h/c hair that was more beautiful than Aphrodite and golden like eyes that were to harbor an angel lead them all.

One foul night they were invaded by those who had swore allegiance to them not long ago after being established. Bloodshed, tears, and lost souls.
Their leader brought it upon herself to save her people and harbor even the most heaviest of sins for them.

"Y/N, think about this properly..are you really willing to do THIS?!" Vamiri was furious, not with the one she swore her life to long ago but with her decision. "If you use that do you understand the consequences that will be taken on your soul?!"

The woman had her back turned to her long time friend and spoke in her flown dress, letting out a tired sigh. "The walls around the kingdom are falling and my people are fighting for their lives and this place they call home..as queen," she then turned to her with e/c eyes full of determination. The same eyes vamiri fell in love with all that time ago.

"As queen— no, as a ruler it's not right if I sit and watch my people suffer. They need me vamiri."

"Tell Rei to open the gates at 8 tonight. I will end this battle with my own two hands." The pink haired girls eyes widened in shock. She couldn't possibly be doing what she think she was doing?

"Are you..sacrificing yourself? What will the people do without the ruler they oh so adore Y/N! Are you serious right now? What if you don't come back and I loose you too?" She mumbled out the last part with a crazed expression just by the thought of loosing her loved one, the reason she breathes and the one person she'd bow down and worship as a God.

The woman in front of her descended down the stairs of her throne room and held up her best friend's face with one hand. "I will not leave you all, for I am already within your memories and heart am I not?"

Vamiri's eyes glistened and the sight of her goddess so close. Shit, she didn't know if it was possible to hold out for any longer.

"As long as I am remembered by you all as someone to love and adore there truly is no reason to say I am gone. I will live on in a way that will guide you."
That night she used a technique that was passed down in her clan for so long and in a blinding out the intruders were wiped out in a blinding light, however..

Cheers erupted at their victory but back in the palace it was rumored that their beloved ruler had fallen ill.

Vamiri was devastated but there was hope that she's make it out alive with Rei healing her. She had faith because that's what she was taught. From being a empty bottomless pit to being filled with love by the same person she called creator.

Over and over her mind was plagued with "what if's"

She stared at the beloved monarch with a blank expression. The waves of reality had washed upon the shore. Taking her world, and over the cycle continued.

Again, again, again and again 

She's not dead, she's just sleeping right? Her beloved promised she'd come back didn't she? It was a blur in a moment. Ah, were these tears? Why wasn't Rei saying anything?
Maybe she's just tired and needs a bit of silence is all..but the silence was a bit too loud wasn't it? It's fine. She'd come back and fill those empty halls with her lovely laughs once again.

A millennium passed.

The cycle continued over and over in that exact moment when she took her last sigh. Until it was truly ended.

Rei begged her to end it? Hah! So it wasn't just her was it? Staring down at his lifeless eyes with a smile she took the sword towards her heart. The same one where the last person had decided to make home without knowing.

𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗜 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡 𝗔 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘? . MWhere stories live. Discover now