Chapter 20

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I knocked on his door in the late afternoon. "Johnny, open up."

He opened the door, but swiftly went back inside to put his jacket on.

"Woah, woah, what's the rush?"

"She hasn't done it yet. She hasn't confessed. What's she playing at?!" He snapped.

"What? Listen-"

"No, I swear, for once, I cannot listen anymore!" 

He slammed the door behind him.

"Johnny, wait!"

I ran after him. "Please, listen to me, alright? You're not okay, you're panicking. Listen-"

"I'm not panicking!" He stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Yes, you're panicking, alright?" I put my hands on his upper arms. "Listen, brother, calm down. It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be fine."

"No, it's not."

"God, you always used to be like this! You could never just relax!"

Johnathon broke away from me, continuing to storm down the corridoor. "You aren't helping right now!"

"Listen, mate-" I caught up with him. "How much have you had to drink?"

"What's it to you? I need you to leave me alone."

"No, you aint well." I stopped him again. "Please, just listen!"

"What is it?!" He yelled. I looked at him for a moment, really examining him. He had more light patches, he was sweating, his eyes were red. 

"You aren't yourself."

"You don't even know me."

"D'you remember what dad said to us? The night he died?" I asked. "He said we have to look out for each other. Now, for the past nine years, you're right, I aint known you, but I do know that you're my brother, and I have to tell you when you're losing it. And that's right now."

Johnathon stopped resisting, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply. "I need sleep."

"You need a shower, mate."

"I need aspirin."

"You need me." 

"That may be true," He admitted. 

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