Chapter 14

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"Johnathon!" I heard one of the fellow Princes shout that evening as I was walking back to my quarters. 


"Good evening. I wanted a quick word?" He said.

I stopped in my tracks. "Of course. What about?"

"I needed to propose something." Henry began.

I already knew what was coming. "...Okay?" 

"Listen, I think I speak for all of us when I say that you're not really...Well equipped for this position. Don't get me wrong, you're fiery and good with words, but- well, we think we deserve to own this place more than you do, don't you think?"


"So, we were wondering, if you begin to lay back with the arguments, there could be money involved. Big numbers, too."

I hesitated, smiling before speaking. "I'm not...Really into that kind of thing, but thanks!"

"No, no, wait. Reconsider it, would you? I mean-" Henry sighed. "I'm going to be honest, but what shot do you have anyway? Nobody really likes you."

"...Excuse me?"

"Oh sure, the Princess thinks you're great, and a lot of people feel sorry for you for what you went through, but...I'm sorry, I don't. None of us do. Us as in all the Princes. You're just," He laughed, "You're just not one of us! And quite frankly, we find your little sob story pretty weak."

"You've..." I frowned. "You've all been talking about my past."

"Hello? Everyone is."

It took a great deal not to admit my affair right then and there. I imagined the look on his face, the jealousy, the power...But I held myself together.

"I'm going to have to refuse your offer."

Henry shrugged, scoffing. "Fine. Refuse our offer; see how far you get, though. All you're doing is getting on our bad side." Henry began walking away, but made sure to shout back, "And I'd reccommend getting that shit off your face!"

"Thank you!" I called back, still a little hurt.

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