Chapter 13

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I was carrying a basket of laundry up through the halls of the castle when I ran into Naveah.

She grinned at me as she walked past, before gasping.

"Oh my gosh, I completely forgot!" 

I turned around with shock. "What happened?!"

She pulled my arm, dragging me into the nearby closet. "So, me and Johnathon..."

"Kissed? Yeah, so did me and Link!" 

Naveah beamed, gasping and squealing along with me. 

"But actually, that's not all..." She bit her lip, raising her shoulders to her ears.

My face dropped. I gasped, my eyes widening. "No!"

She nodded, giggling as I swatted her on the shoulder. "Tell me you're lying. What the fuck?! You had sex with Prince Johnathon?!"

"I know, I know!" She covered her mouth with her hands, but her expression dropped as she sighed. "But I'm so worried about him."


"Well, turns out he has vitiligo." She said. "And he woke up this morning, and it had spread onto his face."

"Really?!" I gasped. "Poor thing! Ugh, I just know those lads are gonna give him a hard time."

"Right?" She shook her head, scoffing. "They think they're scoring so hard with me, honestly. Pathetic."

"If they knew the truth," I smirked at the thought of it. "They'd be put in their fucking place, alright."

"Hm," She said. "You know, you're really starting to sound like one of them."

"Me? You sound like a proper royal!"

"No," Naveah waved me off, "Stop it!"

"You do!"

We both heard footsteps outside and silently decided to leave the cramped little closet before anyone caught us.

Later on that evening, I finally finished sewing Link's shirt. By now, the whole room knew about our little interaction the other evening.

I quietly left the room, announcing that I was going to drop his shirt off.

Navigating my way through the dimly lit streets, I finally approached the higher level quarters. Walking down the hallway, I read all the names on the doors until I saw Link's.

I knocked on the door, a little nervous but still hopeful.

My heart began to beat a little more rapidly as I heard footsteps approaching the door. When Link opened it, he had nothing but a towel on; and his hair was wet

Suddenly a little flustered, I handed him my shirt. "Here."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh. Thanks."

"So," I let myself in, scanning the place. "This is your room, huh."


"It's nice," I added for a little touch. I saw a pictureframe on his bedside table of two very young boys, one of them a little older. I picked it up. "Who's this?"

"Don't!" Link ran over, snatching the pictureframe from my hands. "Don't go snooping round my shit."

"Oh. Sorry." I gazed up at the many swords on the wall above his bed. "Hey, d'you win all these?"

"Uhh, yeah."

"You must be pretty handy with the sword."

"Listen," He crossed his arms. "Why are you here?"

"...To return your shirt?"

"Doesn't seem that way." He frowned at me, tilting his head. "You know, at first glance," He began approaching me. "You really do look like the Princess."

"Oh yeah?" I nervously replied as he walked around me.

"Which is exactly," He lifted the back of my hair. "What you are, isnt it?!"

Gasping, I snatched my hair back and blushed in embarrassment. 

Finishing his circle around me, he stopped in front of me. "So, Princess," He snarled, "I suggest you fuck off out of my room before you try to get me in bed. Which is exactly what you wanted, wasn't it?"

I gulped in fear.

"I don't know what kind of stupid game you're playing, but it's not fooling me." He pointed towards the door. "Leave."

I gave up, groaning. "Nobody has to know!" 

"I said leave."

"It sucks being a Princess. Like, really, really sucks. Can't I have one night off?!"

He shook his head. "Nah. How do I know this isn't some kind of setup?"

"Setup? You really think I can be bothered to do that?"

"I don't know. Royals suck." He pointed to the door again. "Leave."

"Listen, if I wasn't the Princess, would you wanna have sex with me?"

Link paused. "Yeah, I would."

"So you do wanna have sex with me?"

"Well-" He sighed. "Yeah, alright? I would, to be honest. But you aint getting me kicked out."

"I won't! I-" I offered him a pinky. "I pinky promise."

Link stayed still, unimpressed. "You're pinky promising to me having sex with you? Really?"

"Well, I-" I put my hand back. "No."


"Listen, I'm not asking for much. We both want it, and you know it."

His eyebrows furrowed once again as he looked to the side of him and back. Taking in a deep breath, he said, "You'd better not make a single noise."

I smirked. "Promise." 

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