Chapter 8

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I headed back to the dorm that night, still stunned. I had a sister. A real-life sister!

I didn't even acknowledge the girls as I walked in. I took a shower, changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and returned back to the main room without a word. The girls weren't up for staying awake tonight; all the candles were blown out and everybody was already settling into sleep, I was the one to tap Amy on the shoulder this time.

"What?" She protested.

"I have a sister!" I grinned widely.

"...Okay?" She turned back around.

I tried for what seemed like hours, but couldn't sleep. The noises ringing around my head of earlier's conversation was fueling my energy; I needed to let it all out.

I got up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked.

"Out. I need to clear my head."

"Okay, don't get caught."

I quietly opened the door after putting on my slippers before shutting it again. It was a little chilly outside, so I began rubbing my bare arms as I was only wearing a tank top and some low-waisted pyjama trousers.

I walked down the pathway and advanced along te deserted streets. The lights looked so beautiful, illuminating my path as I dwelled and dwelled over the fact that I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, was not an only child.

Before long, I came across a boy sitting on a stone bench by himself smoking a cigarette. Upon further expection, however, I realized that it was Link. He looked at me before blowing smoke out of his mouth. "You alright?"

"Um, yeah," I replied. I considered leaving the scene immediately, but decided to join him on the bench. "Why're you up so late?"

"Why are you?" He asked, drawing another puff of smoke.

"Can't sleep."

"Yeah, neither."

"At least you have your own quarters." I pointed out. "That's lucky."

"Yeah, I guess."

"So you're, like, really talented at swordfighting." I said, cringing at myself as I did so.


I looked at the cigarette in his hand, and for once, craved it. Alright, I knew it was bad, but; fuck it, I'd had a long day. "Can I have some?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "No, piss off. Get your own."

"Come on, don't be a dick." 

He took one last drag before handing me it without a word. I took a drag myself and felt all my troubles melt away in an instant as I handed it back to him. We both blew out at the same time.

"So why aren't you, like, with your girlfriend?"

"She's sleeping."

"In your bed?"


"Right." I nodded. "You're not with her?"

Link took in a deep breath. "I don't really like her."

"What? Why?"

"She's boring, rude. She's always with other lads, too. Only with me for sex, anyway."

I wasn't expecting that. "Oh," I said. "But you're still with her?"

"Yeah. Planning on dumping her though."

"She doesn't sound very nice." I admitted.

I got no reply.

"I hope you find someone better." I said, looking up at him. 

He looked down at me and, without even giving me a moment to process it, he began kissing me.

I tried not to back away, because I was hoping for this to happen anyway. I put a hand on his jaw as I kissed him back. He slid his hand down my lower back. 


I pulled away and saw the silouhette of someone from very far away.

"Shit, come on." Link calmly mumbled as he began running around the corner as I followed him. The silouhette was most likely chasing after us, so we kept running down little alleys and backstreets, tracking their location by the sound of their footsteps.

We hid in a little alcove after running for so long. I was growing hot, so I lifted the hair off the back of my neck and held my arms above my head, exposing the back of my hair.

"You go, I'll deal with this." He said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah, just go."

And so, taking one last glance at him, I raced back down the street, my hair swaying as I did so.

"Amy!" I whispered, tapping her again.

She mumbled something indistinguishable as a reply. "Amy, wake up!"

"What?" She whispered back, clearly fed up with me. "You're really pissing me off tonight, brownie."

"Amy, I just made out with Link!"

She sat up in bed, gasping. "What?!"

"I know!" I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my fucking gosh!"

"It felt so good!" I giggled. 

"I bet it did! You managed to make out with Link?! How did this happen?!"

"I saw him sat by himself, smoking, so I joined him and, one thing lead to another..."

Amy laughed in astonishment. "No fucking way."

"Yes way!" I continued laughing. 

"Good god, brownie," Amy settled back down into bed. "You are full of surprises."

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