Chapter 10

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"So, the plan for today. You will be going up against Prince Nathan, and being judged by Prince Theodore. Later on in the day, you'll be going up against Prince Lucas, and being judged by Prince Nathan."

I was pacing down the hallway towards the debate room with my secretary, Daniel. He was a nervous, scruffy little man with little-to-no confidence; which is why I related to him so much.

"Does this sound good, sir?" He jogged to catch up with me, readjusting his glasses as he almost stumbled over.

"Yes. It sounds fine." I replied, a grin still lingering on my face leftover from last night.

"Are you confident for today?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, quite. I feel that we could win this thing."

"Well, with your tactical skills and leading ability, I have faith!"

And with that, Daniel departed, leaving me on my own. Before long, though, my peace was disrupted by Prince Lucas, another one of my "Enemies".

"So, you think you could win this thing, huh?" He pryed, clearly hoping to tease me. He began adjusting his cufflinks, shaking out his arms as he did so. "I have to admit it, you seem to be far more driven than I expected."

"Where there's a will, there's a way." I confidently remarked.

"And where there's an enemy, there's an obstacle. I'm not remarkably avid for your background, Johnathon."

"I think I can handle myself just fine." I smiled.

"Hm," Lucas sounded. "What's made you so smug?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," I pointed at him, heading off into a different direction. "I'll see you on the floor, sir." 

"And so, Prince Theodore," I spoke. "I propose that the Kingdom wishing to become allies with us brushes up their past before joining. If we're in the middle of a war, we don't want to end up being betrayed, do we?"

Theodore nodded his head. "Thank you, Prince Johnathon. Prince Nathan, you have the floor, sir."

Nathan breathed in deeply, furrowing his eyebrows. I was awaiting for a response, but he kept thinking. Eventually, he shrugged, sighing. "He's right. I can't argue with that."

This certainly was news to me, and a first for everyone. The reaction from the crowd was one of confusion and surprise. Inevitably, the win was handed to me. I was growing quicker and better than anybody else. Things were starting to look up.

For the first time in my life, I felt as if I had power. Real power, the type you can shape and apply to anything. It was certainly brand new.

Prince Lucas came well prepared, I have to admit. You could never really tell what he was against or for; he always kept things hidden. This, of course, automatically rewarded him with skill and power, but I was good at mimicking such attributes. Our debate was long, tirsome and heated; but eventually, I won again. I could hardly believe my luck.

Was it that I was talented? Maybe I was just lucky. Or driven by something; or, perhaps, someone...

I remembered to actually knock on her door that night, and waited, a little flustered. I wanted to know what she thought about the debates. That was all...Right?

She opened the door and, upon seeing me, grinned widely, taking my hand and leading me inside.

"What did you think?" I asked her.

She nodded vigorously. "You were amazing. I don't know how you do that!"

"Honestly, I don't either." 

"Well, keep at it. You're proving them all wrong."

Without another word, Naveah began kissing me again. I didn't exactly know how to react, but I decided to let her take lead.

She leant me against the foor of her bed, continuing to run her fingers through my hair.

Was I really about to let her do this?

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