Chapter 19

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Caked in sweat, I took myself off to my study during the interval between the debates. I sat in my chair, removing my jacket and holding my head in my hands.

Calm down, Johnathon, keep those patches away...

"Do you need a drink, sir?" Daniel asked. 

"Whisky. I don't care that I'm not old enough."

"Yes, sir." 

I controlled my breathing, keeping it steady. These arguments were physically killing me. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Johnathon?" Naveah rushed over to me, holding my arms. "Johnathon, I need you to hold on."

"Please..." I felt tears forming once more. "Please, just tell them. Please, I can't take this."

I lifted my head, holding my hands together in front of my face. 

"I'll talk to her, but- Johnathon, it's not that easy- I mean, we've commited treason, and-and fraud, and-"

"I don't care, I can't sit in a room full of people who want me dead, I can't."  I closed my eyes.

"They don't want you dead..."

"I've heard them." My voice wavered. "I've heard them talking about how they would kill my mother if she were here."

"...Oh my God." Naveah whispered. 

"I just...My mother died to keep me alive and they're talking about her as if she's in hell, I..."

Naveah nodded. "I'll do it soon-"

"No." I shook my head. "You have it done by tonight or I'll do it myself."


"I'm not kidding, Naveah, I can't keep doing this."

"I can't do it tonight, I-"

I shrugged, wiping my tears. "Then I'll do it. You'd better make up your mind." I stood up, walking out of the room.

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