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M A V I N"Solo te quiero sentir, bien pegadita a mi, La noche quiero que se pierda besándonos los dos, Cuando te tengas que ir, recuerda como te di, La noche que descubrimos juntos Nuestra Canción"

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"Solo te quiero sentir, bien pegadita a mi, La noche quiero que se pierda besándonos los dos, Cuando te tengas que ir, recuerda como te di, La noche que descubrimos juntos Nuestra Canción"


"Grazie per aver fatto questo figlio, sono orgoglioso di te. E sì, mi bastano 8 giorni per radunare e addestrare I nostri uomini. Inoltre, cosa farai in futuro? My father says. [Translation: "Thank you for doing this son, I'm proud of you. And yes, 8 days are enough for me to gather and train our men. Also what will you do in the time being?"]

I'm on the phone with my father, explaining him what we found out

"Grazie per esserti preso cura degli uomini, padre. Veronika mi ha aiutato a rintracciarli e a trovare informazioni su di loro contemporaneamente, e ci aiuterà nella battaglia." [Translation: "Thank you for taking care of the men, father. Veronika helped me track them down and find information on them simultaneously, and she's going to help us in the battle"]

I'm not asking him if Veronika could help us , I'm telling him.

He sighs deeply from the phone

"Se succede qualcosa, Mavin, lei è sotto la tua responsabilità, non ci sono altre domande. Ma per favore dille grazie a nome mio" he says. [Translation: "If something happens to her Mavin, she's your responsibility , no further questions asked. But please, do say thank you to her on my behalf"]

"I'd rather drive a bullet through my heart than witness something happen to her" It's the truth

"I was thinking, they can probably track us down , and now that they're on their way to us, the battle's going to take place in San Marino. Remember the last time we made this mistake? There were many people harmed in the battle with The Valentinos. We have to avoid it this time. You know what i'm trying to say son?" My father says

I know exactly what he means.

"So you're suggesting to move to another country and have the battle there?"

"I have sources in other countries in Europe as well , and it'll be safe to fight there, you can bring Veronika with you, we have tech labs there as well" he says

"What exactly is this place?" I ask

"I have a base at France, Marseille. It would be perfect to carry on there." He informs

As much as I hate to admit, my father's sometimes smarter than I am.

When the time comes, his expertise are nothing compared to mine.

"Yes padre, that's genius" I say with a grin, even though he can't see me.

"Me and the men will the the jet and be on our way to Marseille, we'll train there but you, you be there in another 4 days.I'm sure you've got your own jet ready?" Father says

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