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M A V I N "It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all"

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"It's just a cruel existence like there's no point hoping at all"


Darkness has surrounded and swallowed me whole. I have no clue where I am. I can't be weak, I tell myself. We've trained day and night for situations like these. I have to remember but can't seem to. The only person in my mind is Veronika. My heart starts beating at a fast rate as I'm reminded of those chocolate brown eyes probably worried for me.

I force myself to breathe, I know she's safe or.. she will be. I have no idea what time it is

Once I've concentrated enough, I didn't notice the cold metal wrapped tightly around both my wrists and are hanging above me, the pain is numb and it is probably why I didn't notice them in the first place. But the pain below my knees is excruciating. It's probably been hours since I've been knocked out. I'm on my knees. I try hard to lift my head which is dangling under my arms.. numb.. everything's numb.

What difference would it make if I lift my head? I'd only be met my more of the color black as it would taunt me, torture me by giving me hope for light and after minutes, hours and years of searching for that one tiny source of light, I'd only be met with disappointment, all over again. The cycle would repeat itself, I bow my head deeper, aiming to touch the ground while hopelessness takes over me, my mind and my soul.

Footsteps, light but heavy.. I can't differentiate. Footsteps stride past me, one pair stands behind and one that I have is stood in front. I still don't lift my head and I certainly don't care about who I see when I do. A small but noticeable source of vision enveloped my mind, I sense low brightness.

A hand has grabbed my hair and hiked my head up with the help of the tight grip on my stands. I adjust to the low Brightness and blink my eyes open slowly.

"Fuck you" I spit out in her face

I'm still contesting my shock. The information that Noel Ajeti, our rival who rules The Ajeti Organization is the father of my ex girlfriend whose Anastasia Kadre Ajeti, was crucial. Fuck, I curse at myself for not digging deeper into the family. Now that I know that he's her father. I know exactly what he looks like, because I've met him and that is an advantage I've been seeking to get.

I stare at Kadre's pathetic as she fails to hide her hurt. She's hurt and in that kind of emotion the person is internally vulnerable and that is my second advantage. I almost smirk and laugh at her expression as I imagine her finding out about me and Veronika. She probably thinks we're in a relationship but I won't tell her the truth, simply because I don't want to.

If my hands were free, this woman's head would be ripped out from her body and into my hands as I would drag it across the country and toss it in the ocean as I'd wait for the sharks to swallow her pathetic piece. I play out different scenarios of how I would kill- torture her for threatening Veronika's life, the fact that she could dare to utter those words boils my blood.

The Spark And The Flame |18+Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя