TEASE TWO Written By Wandor

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In the alleyway behind a certain antiques shop, Albus Wedferdoor carried a bag of trash to his garbage bin as he pondered just what to do about his wayward asset. Apollo was a valuable pawn and to lose him so quickly was upsetting to say the least. As he set the bag gently in the bin, he heard something. Something foreign. It sounded like the warbling of a metal sheet in the alleyway on the side of his shop. Inquisitive and careful at all times, Albus decided to investigate.

"Who's there?" his warning carried weight. It wasn't an overt threat but just a hint of the power at his disposal. "Show yourself." His voice rose but it didn't sound like a desperate yell.

He turned the corner but saw nothing, just a straight shot to the main road with a smattering of people on the sidewalk. He was about to turn away from the alley when something reflected the sun's light and caught his eye. He crouched and picked up the object: a sort of pendant or jeweled necklace with a blood-red gemstone at the center. The item looked shoddily made as if it had been forged in haste; however, the gem itself was definitely fetching and it was warm to the touch. He would decide whether or not to sell it later.
As he pocketed the strange amulet he felt a wave of uncomfortable warmth wash over his shoulders followed by the sound of someone stumbling to their feet. He quickly spun around, amulet already stowed, and faced the potential threat.

He expected a brute but instead, he was face to face with a beautiful young woman with pale hair and brow set in a stern expression. "Are you alright?"

"Where is the amulet? It... fell here and I'd like it back. Now." the tone was a demanding one with an undercurrent of authority. It reminded Albus of his own voice.

"Amulet?" Wedferdoor adjusted his stance to relay confusion and give off the impression that he was nothing more than a frail old man despite knowing she was likely seeking the very item burning a hole in his pocket. "I'm not sure what you mean, dear girl. But if you come with me, I'm sure I can help you find it." He waved for her to join his side.

Perhaps his problems with Apollo were already sorted...

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