TEASE ONE Written By Liam Pomeroy

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As the alarms blared throughout Hellford Laboratories, the red lights engulfed the hallways as darkness crept into corners and rooms. The usual fluorescent lights were out, some flickering, giving the vibe that there was something definitely wrong. The entire building was in lockdown.

Slowly walking down the hall, Dr. Arachnean held her web bombs firmly in her hands. With a good chunk of the heroes currently in space rescuing most of The Outcasts, it was up to her to figure out what was going on inside Hellford, especially because it was Batsy's home, and she wasn't going to let it crumble under her watch.

As she made her way deeper into the building, she noticed the broken glass on the ground, presumably from the windows that lined the labs around her. Acting slow, she tried to find the source of this destruction. Suddenly, as she put her foot down, she heard a squelch come from her foot. Looking down, she picked it up to see she had just stepped in someone's internal organs. Fighting the urge to immediately puke up her breakfast, she kept walking, this time keeping a keen eye on the ground. Getting further and further in, she slowly started to witness the true chaos that had ensued here. Blood was everywhere. On the floor, the walls, even the ceiling. Looking around, she saw several dead scientists and lab technicians, some of whom had their stomachs completely sliced open, with several cuts.

All of a sudden, a young woman bumped into Arachnean, scaring the both of them.

"Luna?! Thank god you're alright!" Arachnean preached, holding onto the receptionist's arms. "What's going on here? Why are you running?!"

"I-it's coming for me Elizabeth! We have to get out of here!" she pleaded, trying to rush past the scientist turned superhero.

"What's coming?! Luna, what's coming after you!" Elizabeth asked, worried for her friend's safety.

But before Luna could even utter a vowel, a low, feral growl emitted from the darkness in front of them. Quickly turning around, Luna pressed her back up against Arachnean's chest and began sobbing in terror. Down the hall, within the darkness and dim red lighting, a furred figure with glowing red eyes could be seen on all fours. At first, Arachnean was a little relieved, realizing it was only a wolf. But that's when she discovered she was wrong. As she watched it approach them slowly, it went from being on all fours, to being on two. Its body was not animalistic. It had hands, feet, and a body just like her. In fact, it was even wearing clothes. A torn sweater, ripped jeans and... a lab coat. And just then, it clicked in her head.

"J-John, is that you?" Elizabeth stammered, starting to get a bit frightened herself.

"There is no more John," he responded, his voice deep and growly. "He died moments ago, along with the weak and delicious prey you see lying around you."

"Then... who are you!" Arachnean demanded, holding Luna as she continued to cry.

After a short pause, the wolf-man grinned, crouching down into a ready stance.

"I. Am. Alpha."

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