5 - A Villainous Pair

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The group of heroes stood opposite the two villains, some guarding Baroness Rose as they stepped forward. But Skeletal didn't seem fazed. With a grin, he pointed his spear forward and chuckled.

"Bring me her!" he commanded his skeleton soldiers. "And discard the others!"

With a wave of his hand, the skeleton soldiers started marching forwards, aiming straight for the group of heroes. They charged towards them with no hesitation, causing Batsy and XLR8 to spring into action first. Using his wings, Batsy jumped high above the fight, quickly firing sonic blasts at the approaching skeletons. Meanwhile, XLR8 found himself fighting against multiple enemies, using his fists and feet as weapons. While the fight seemed impossible, it seemed as if nothing could stop them. Each of them fought bravely, but soon even The Blinding Light and Fast Maker found themselves jumping in to fight.

"You don't stand a chance!" Skeletal laughed. "Your powers are no match for us!"

Baroness Rose fearlessly locked eyes with him, brushing past the crowd and paying no attention to the looming danger.

"What, you want me because of this being inside me? This Bonez?" she shook her head. "How can I give her to you, because I don't want her!"

Skeletal laughed, pointing his spear at Baroness Rose.

"You give her to me, by giving me your soul!"

Holding out his pendant, a black glow would immediately begin to shine from it, shooting straight towards the baroness. The woman would gasp as her body spun around, watching the world close off as she was contained inside the magical bubble. Before she could say a word, Shakura found herself becoming vertiginous, with her soon falling unconscious.

Fast Maker and XLR8 attempted to break the forcefield, sending punches and electrical blasts to try and get through. But the forcefield was too strong. Not only that, but Skeletal had his own attacks ready and waiting.

"Tie them up!" Skeletal ordered his forces. "They won't escape now!"

Lola and Hassan would get knocked to the ground at the same time, having a bunch of knights sneak up to them from behind. But the remaining De Vil Crew members refused to go down, still fighting hard. They continued their attacks, aiming at the magical bubble, trying as hard as they could to make even the slightest dent. But then, out of nowhere, XLR8 was thrown, crashing into a van that was parked close by. He groaned as he struggled back to his feet, glancing over to see that Fast Maker was next.

Seeming to have gotten bored, AV4X decided to attack, chuckling after she injured XLR8. Looking at Ben, she launched forward before allowing the many tentacles acting like hair to extend straight at him. Contorting its way towards the crew's leader, the tentacles grabbed onto Fast Maker, pulling him towards the Queen.

"XLR8!" he shouted. "Get out of here!"

The tentacles held Ben firm as the injured heroes watched on. He was tossed into the air with an incredible force, causing him to fall quickly to the ground. It seemed as if he was about to slam hard against the concrete slabs below, but instead, he was caught?!

Landing on the ground, with Fast Maker in their arms, stood Black Star. Safely helping Ben onto his feet, she gave him a surprised look before looking between everyone there.

"Bramniums?" Sapphire spoke, shaking her head confused.

"You know of us?" AV4X squinted her eyes, joining Skeletal's side.

"I'm a Rockatrayen, I have encountered my fair share of extraterrestrial beings."

"A Rockatrayen?" Skeletal scoffed. "Your people make me sick!"

"And what are you, besides a skeleton that is?"

"I am Skeletal, the ruler of Ribernal."

"Ribernal?" Black Star sounded shocked, scared even. "That... That isn't possible!"

"It's very possible!" Queen AV4X interrupted. "I knew he was stored here somewhere, but I didn't realise I'd be lucky enough to find him already freed!"

"Freed from who or where?"

"Metalloic..." he cackled. "The country that is now full of fire!"

"Fire?" she frowned, unsure how to react. "What do you mean?"

"No need to worry your little self about that..." Skeletal spoke as he raised the pendant.

The four, kidnapped, unconscious heroes suddenly appeared floating above Skeletal, all inside their own forcefields. Soon Baroness Rose joined the middle of them, her pale face looking cold and dead.

"We'll destroy you!" Fast Maker growled, readying to attack.

"No, you won't... We will destroy you... And we shall rule the entire universe!"

As the Queen yelled, she slammed onto a button that was connected to her suit, quickly bringing the Bramnium X-Wing to life. It flew towards the villains, shooting blasts from its cannons directly at the unshielded heroes.

Black Star managed just to dodge the attack, allowing the shots to collide with the ground. An explosion followed in their wake, building up a large dust cloud which blocked each of the heroes' view. Soon, as the debris settled, the group noticed that the villains and kidnapped heroes were gone. As the skeleton knights dissolved into the ground, the group would look up to find AV4X and Skeletal perching in the doorway of the X-Wing, waving as the ship took off and soared away.

"Bramniums... Ribbertons..."Black Star leaned forward, her head resting in her hands as she whispered softly. "Shit!"

As Sapphire stood in place, Fast Maker and XLR8 turned to face Batsy and Lola. Everyone was exhausted after that fight, but there was no time to rest. As soon as they noticed the captured heroes, they realised this wasn't like anything they had faced before. They needed to get moving, fast!

"Freight-Tale, Disney Duchess, Bella-Rose Death, The Golden Edge and Baroness Rose..." Batsy shouted out. "These are our friends, family... Our allies!"

"Yes, I know!" Ben yelled. "Don't you think I fucking know that?"

"So what are you going to do?" the bat-mutant raised an eyebrow, looking at the De Vil Crew leader.

"They have my brother, my cousin and my friends..." Ben peered over to Lola. "We're going to do what anyone in our situation would... We're going to save them!"

Batsy nodded his head with a smile, happy with the response that Fast Maker gave; but then XLR8 stepped forward.

"The De Vil Rocket is busted..." the alien commented. "Unless you have some kind of highly equipped lab or something, I don't see how we can fix it."

"Well then," Lola stomped onto the ground with a thud. "I guess we need to hurry to Hellford!"



AV4X stood opposite the Bramnium X-Wing's control panel, piloting the craft with ease. The ship soon exited Earth's orbit and began its flight into the darkness of space.

Skeletal watched on, amused by the fact that the Queen was still alive, but he didn't show any emotions relating to that. He was too busy thinking about the five heroes he had captured. The more he thought of them, the more hopeful he became that soon his plans would finally be complete.

Revealing the skull pendant once more, the same light surrounded it as the captured heroes appeared before them. Every time he put the piece away, the forcefields and their inhabitants would fade, disappearing from sight. But at that moment, Skeletal felt a need; a need to be close to his dearly beloved.

Stepping towards the middle placed bubble, the skeleton alien grinned as he tilted his head. He looked over Baroness Rose's body with a scornful gaze, admiring how she looked when asleep. Her arms lay limply to her side, her legs dangling like a fish out of water. Looking up, the villain found himself pressing his boney hand against the magical barrier. He took in one deep inhale before nodding his head and tightening his spare hand in which he held his spear.

"I guarantee you, my love," Skeletal declared, as he lowered his head and took a deep breath. "Our moment is fast approaching, and this entire universe will be ours forever."

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